Looking for adjectives that start with “E?” Adjectives help us describe the world around us. They increase our overall vocabulary. And help to show expression of positive and negative things around us. If you’re looking for a big list of adjectives that all begin with the letter “E,” scroll down!
What are adjectives? And adjectives that start with E?
Adjectives are simple words that define nouns’ characteristics or emotional states. Such as big, humorous, yellow, enjoyable, or quickly. They can also describe how many nouns there are: many, few, millions, and eleven. However, adjectives are not limited to only changing nouns.
- Absolute Adjectives: Adjectives that are absolutes describe things that stand alone.
- Comparative Adjectives: Unsurprisingly, comparative adjectives draw comparisons between two or more items. The suffix -er is used to create the comparative form for most one-syllable adjectives. Replace the final -y in two-syllable adjectives with the suffix -ier. Add the word more to adjectives with multiple syllables.
- Superlative Adjectives: Adjectives with superlative endings denote the maximum degree of the discussed quality. Adding the suffix -est means one-syllable adjectives are transformed into superlatives. Adjectives with two syllables that finish in -y are changed to -iest. Adjectives with several syllables add the most words. It is often the definite article (the) rather than an or a when you use an article with a superlative adjective. When you use a superlative, it is evident that you are referring to a particular thing or things.

List of adjectives that starts with E
Below is the list of adjectives that starts with E. You can use these adjectives in statements to describe nouns or support verbs.
- Edwardian
- Edulious
- Edulcorative
- Edulcorant
- Eductive
- Educible
- Educative
- Educational
- Educable
- Edriophthalmous
- Editorial
- Editable
- Edificial
- Edificant
- Edictal
- Edible
- Edental
- Edenic
- Edematous
- Eddic
- Eddaic
- Edaphic
- Edacious
- Eczematous
- Ecumenical
- Ecumenic
- Ecuadorian
- Ectypal
- Ectrotic
- Ectozoic
- Ectozoan
- Ectothermic
- Ectosteal
- Ectopic
- Ectolecithal
- Ectodermic
- Ectodermal
- Ectental
- Ectal
- Ecstatical
- Ecphractic
- Economical
- Econometric
- Ecological
- Ecliptic
- Eclectic
- Echolike
- Echoless
- Echoic
- Echinital
- Eccrine
- Ecclesiological
- Ecclesiastical
- Ecclesial
- Ecchymotic
- Eccentrical
- Ecbatic
- Eburnean
- Ebullient
- Ebrious
- Ebrauke
- Ebony
- Ebionite
- Eatable
- Easygoing
- Easy
- Eastward
- Eastside
- Eastern
- Easeless
- Earthlike
- Earthen
- Earthbred
- Earthbound
- Earthborn
- Ear-splitting
- Ear-piercing
- Earlyish
- Early

Descriptive adjectives that start with E
Below is the list of descriptive adjectives that starts with E. You can use these adjectives in statements to describe nouns or support verbs.
- Evaporable
- Evaluative
- Euphonic
- Eternal
- Established
- Essential
- Erupting
- Errorless
- Erratic
- Erotic
- Erosive
- Equestrian
- Equatorial
- Epidural
- Epical
- Envious
- Enviable
- Entire
- Enticing
- Enough
- Enjoyable
- Enhanced
- Engrossing
- English
- Endemic
- Ended
- Ended
- Endearing
- Encouraging
- Enclosed
- Enate
- Empty
- Employed
- Emphasized
- Empathic
- Eminent
- Embossed
- Embezzled
- Embarrassed
- Elusive
- Eloquent
- Elite
- Electronic
- Electrical
- Elective
- Elected
- Eldest
- Elated
- Elastic
- Elapsed
- Elaborated
- Eighth
- Eighteenth
- Egyptian
- Egregious
- Egotistical
- Effluent
- Effeminate
- Effectual
- Effective
- Effected
- Eerie
- Educational
- Educated
- Edited
- Edifying
- Edible
- Edgy
- Edged
- Ecologic
- Echoing
- Ebony
- Easy
- Eased
- Earlier
- Each
List of positive adjectives starting with E
Below is the list of positive adjectives that start with E. You can use these adjectives in statements to describe nouns or support verbs.
- Extraordinary
- Extra
- Express
- Expert
- Expensive
- Expected
- Expandable
- Excusable
- Exclusive
- Exclamatory
- Exciting
- Excited
- Excitant
- Exceptional
- Exalted
- Exact
- Evident
- Everyday
- Every
- Eventful
- Evangelical
- Evanescent
- Eucharistic
- Ethical
- Essential
- Equivocal
- Equivalent
- Equipped
- Equal
- Equable
- Epical
- Epic
- Enviable
- Entire
- Enough
- Enlivened
- Enjoyable
- Enhanced
- Engaging
- Energizing
- Energetic
- Endless
- Encyclopedic
- Enchanting
- Enabling
- Empowered
- Employable
- Emphatic
- Empathetic
- Emotive
- Emergent
- Eloquent
- Eligible
- Elevated
- Electrifying
- Elating
- Elated
- Elaborated
- Effortless
- Efflorescent
- Efficient
- Effective
- Educative
- Edifying
- Edgy
- Ecstatic
- Economic
- Ebullient
- Easygoing
- Easy
- Earthy
- Earnest
- Earned
- Early
- Eager
List of Negative Adjectives Starting with E
Below is the list of negative adjectives that starts with E. You can use these adjectives in statements to describe nouns or support verbs.
- Eyesore
- Extreme
- Extraneous
- Extramarital
- Extorted
- Extinguished
- Exterminated
- Expurgated
- Expunged
- Expressionless
- Exploited
- Exploitative
- Exploded
- Explicit
- Expired
- Expending
- Expendable
- Exorbitantly
- Exiled
- Exhausting
- Exhausted
- Excruciating
- Excluded
- Excessive
- Excess
- Exceeding
- Exaggerating
- Exaggerated
- Exacerbating
- Exacerbated
- Eviscerated
- Evildoer
- Evil
- Evasive
- Evading
- Erroneous
- Erratic
- Errant
- Eroding
- Eroded
- Erased
- Epileptic
- Enveloping
- Entrapped
- Entitled
- Enslaved
- Enraging
- Enraged
- Enforced
- Enfeebling
- Enemy
- Endemical
- Endemic
- Ended
- Endangering
- Endangered
- Encumbered
- Encrusted
- Encroaching
- Encroached
- Emptied
- Embroiled
- Embittered
- Embattled
- Embarrassing
- Embarrassed
- Emasculated
- Elimination
- Eliminated
- Egotistical
- Egocentric
- Eerie
- Ear-splitting
- Ear-piercing
- Earless
Personality Adjectives List that Start with E
Below is the list of personality adjectives that starts with E. You can use these adjectives in statements to describe nouns or support verbs.
- Extroverted
- Extravagant
- Extraordinary
- Exploitative
- Expansive
- Exhaustive
- Exhausting
- Exhausted
- Exciting
- Excited
- Exceptional
- Exasperating
- Exasperated
- Exacerbating
- Evasive
- Euphoric
- Ethical
- Erudite
- Envious
- Entrepreneurial
- Entrancing
- Enthusiastic
- Enthused
- Enthralled
- Enterprising
- Enlightened
- Engrossing
- Engrossed
- Engaging
- Energizing
- Energetic
- Endearing
- Encouraging
- Encouraged
- Enchanting
- Enamored
- Empowered
- Emotionless
- Emotional
- Emboldened
- Embittered
- Embarrassing
- Embarrassed
- Elusive
- Eloquent
- Elegant
- Electrifying
- Elated
- Egoistical
- Egocentric
- Efficient
- Eerie
- Edgy
- Ecstatic
- Economical
- Eccentric
- Easygoing
- Easy
- Earnest
- Eager
Adjectives List that Start with E to Describe a Person
To describe a person, you can use these adjectives that starts with E.
- Extraneous
- Exterior
- Exquisite
- Expressionless
- Exposed
- Exploited
- Explicit
- Expert
- Experienced
- Expected
- Exotic
- Existing
- Exemplary
- Exact
- Evil
- Everlasting
- Eventful
- Evenhanded
- Even
- Evasive
- European
- Ethnic
- Ethiopian
- Eternal
- Estranged
- Estimable
- Established
- Essential
- Erratic
- Errant
- Erect
- Equitable
- Equidistant
- Equal
- Equable
- Enviable
- Entire
- Enormous
- Enlarged
- English
- Enduring
- Endangered
- Empowered
- Eminent
- Emblematic
- Elite
- Eligible
- Elfish
- Elfin
- Elementary
- Elderly
- Eighth
- Egyptian
- Efficient
- Effective
- Educational
- Educated
- Echoing
- Easy
- Early

Example sentences using adjectives that start with “E”
- It took early scientists hundreds of years of scientific study before the law of conservation of mass became accepted.
- Gold and silver were made into exquisite adornments, and beautiful objects were created from indigenous turquoise, marble, and other stones.
- The heavy anti-aircraft fire forced the planes to take evasive action, and even trained pathfinders had trouble finding and marking the drop zones.
- Many estimable individuals have lined up behind the notion that we live in a post-copyright age.
- Far from debasing his models, Newton places them at the heart of a deep and complex drama where they rule like errant queens.
- Students have reported a more equitable share of work and higher perceived levels of team skills following a course in team building.
- However, only parts of the canal route were completed because the expected revenues required to complete the project were never generated.
- There are many undesigned buildings where plywood exterior siding has been used for decades, and the results aren’t pretty after a few years.
- Always busy in the herbarium and nattily dressed in coat and bow tie, Wilbur was an enviable model of a true botanist devoted to his craft.
- Histologically, sebaceous hyperplasia consists of enlarged lobules of mature sebaceous glands with a central dilated duct.
- They also underscore the enduring richness of the continent’s cultural heritage, which serves as a wellspring of creativity worldwide.
- You’re likely to see waders and a variety of herons, stilts, and even the endangered West Indian whistling duck.
- My everlasting and most fearful memory of the war was being woken by a thundering noise that shook and rattled my bedroom windows.
- I believe that a truly empowered woman would give birth without assistance.
- They formed elite regiments within the British Indian army and then the British army.
- In the United States, hardly the majority of eligible voters go to the polling booths.
- Most of these kids live in neighborhoods with elementary, middle, and high schools.
- Her curling red hair stilled around her shoulders, framing her pale, elfin face.
- The contaminated cotton wadding was not found in quilts used in local colleges and nursing homes for the elderly.
- Fathers and daughters, mothers and sons joined thousands of baby boomers for an enchanting evening of harmonious music.
- The camera loves the luminous actress, whose elfish eyes and Titian hair evoke the spark beneath her calm exterior.
- By the time the Germans mounted their eighth assault, the remaining riflemen had exhausted their ammunition.
- A well-laid-out internal network of main crossroads and paths is essential for the efficient movement of men and machinery.
- Expecting easy soundbites from the Bernadette Corporation is like wishing a Cezanne would look like a Rockwell.
- However, signals from the White House have continued to be cautious, not echoing the strident tone of the activists.
- In independent Tibet, monasteries and nunneries, numbering over 6,000, served as schools and universities, fulfilling Tibet’s educational needs.
- Second, there was a lack of skilled vine dressers and knowledge of the industry, especially knowledge of local climatic and edaphic factors.
- Standing on the Zhuangyuan Pavilion, you can marvel at the enchanting views of lakes and hills.
- Some energizing postures given at her workshop included the cobra, locust, and chest expander.
- His voice was monotonous, expressionless, and cold like he’d only just mastered the art of speaking and was none too skilled at it.
- The inn contained exposed beams, high cedar wainscoting on the walls, and wide cedar floorboards.
- Yet in melancholic fare, such as Brahms’s Mondenschein and Lerchengesang, he found a caressing legato with an enchanting mezza voce.
Adjectives that start with “E” (images)

Other adjective lists
Other lists of adjectives:
- Adjectives that start with A
- Adjectives that start with B
- Adjectives that start with C
- Adjectives that start with D
- Adjectives that start with E
- Adjectives that start with F
- Adjectives that start with G
- Adjectives that start with H
- Adjectives that start with I
- Adjectives that start with J
- Adjectives that start with K
- Adjectives that start with L
- Adjectives that start with M
- Adjectives that start with N
- Adjectives that start with O
- Adjectives that start with P
- Adjectives that start with Q
- Adjectives that start with R
- Adjectives that start with S
- Adjectives that start with T
- Adjectives that start with U
- Adjectives that start with V
- Adjectives that start with W
- Adjectives that start with X
- Adjectives that start with Y
- Adjectives that start with Z
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Core lessons
- Abstract Noun
- Accusative Case
- Anecdote
- Antonym
- Active Sentence
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Adjective Clause
- Adjective Phrase
- Ampersand
- Anastrophe
- Adverbial Clause
- Appositive Phrase
- Clause
- Compound Adjective
- Complex Sentence
- Compound Words
- Compound Predicate
- Common Noun
- Comparative Adjective
- Comparative and Superlative
- Compound Noun
- Compound Subject
- Compound Sentence
- Copular Verb
- Collective Noun
- Colloquialism
- Conciseness
- Consonance
- Conditional
- Concrete Noun
- Conjunction
- Conjugation
- Conditional Sentence
- Comma Splice
- Correlative Conjunction
- Coordinating Conjunction
- Coordinate Adjective
- Cumulative Adjective
- Dative Case
- Determiner
- Declarative Sentence
- Declarative Statement
- Direct Object Pronoun
- Direct Object
- Diction
- Diphthong
- Dangling Modifier
- Demonstrative Pronoun
- Demonstrative Adjective
- Direct Characterization
- Definite Article
- Doublespeak
- False Dilemma Fallacy
- Future Perfect Progressive
- Future Simple
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect
- First Conditional
- Irregular Adjective
- Irregular Verb
- Imperative Sentence
- Indefinite Article
- Intransitive Verb
- Introductory Phrase
- Indefinite Pronoun
- Indirect Characterization
- Interrogative Sentence
- Intensive Pronoun
- Inanimate Object
- Indefinite Tense
- Infinitive Phrase
- Interjection
- Intensifier
- Infinitive
- Indicative Mood
- Participle
- Parallelism
- Prepositional Phrase
- Past Simple Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Progressive Tense
- Present Simple Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Personal Pronoun
- Personification
- Persuasive Writing
- Parallel Structure
- Phrasal Verb
- Predicate Adjective
- Predicate Nominative
- Phonetic Language
- Plural Noun
- Punctuation
- Punctuation Marks
- Preposition
- Preposition of Place
- Parts of Speech
- Possessive Adjective
- Possessive Determiner
- Possessive Case
- Possessive Noun
- Proper Adjective
- Proper Noun
- Present Participle
- Prefix
- Predicate