Homophones are two words that sound alike, though hold different meanings. The best example of this are the words “to” and “too.” With the additional “o” letter, the meaning of the word changes entirely.
Let’s learn more about homophones and how they get used in English in this worksheet...
What are homophones?
A term that has the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning is called a homophone. A homophone’s spelling can also vary. The spelling of the two words can be the same, as in rose and rose, or different, as in caret, carat, and carrot.
The term “homophone” can also refer to units that are longer or shorter than words, such as phrases, letters, or groups of letters that have the same pronunciation as another phrase, letter, or group of letters. It is said that any unit with this feature is homophonous.

Homophone, homograph, and homonym
Homophones, homographs and homonyms are difficult to differentiate but can get recognized easily. Homophones are words that sound same but have different meanings. A group of words with the same spelling but different meanings and typically different pronunciations are called homographs.
On the other hand, a homonym is a word or a set of words that have the same pronunciation and spelling but different meanings.
Choosing the right word or spelling to express the right idea might be difficult in light of all of this. The fact that all homonyms are homophones since they have the same pronunciation raises the possibility of mistake.
The words read in the sentences “He is well read” and “I read that book” are homophones with the same spelling, and they can also be homonyms and homographs. Not all homophones are homonyms since not all homophones have the same spelling. Heterographs are homophones that have distinct spellings, such as to, too, and two.

Pseudo-homophones are made-up words that sound exactly like real words.
In contrast to the pseudo-homophone pairs groan/grone and crane/crain, plane/plain is a homophone pair because both letter combinations are recognized nouns.
In lexical decision tasks, both kinds of pairs are employed to research word recognition.

The word “homophone” comes from the Greek words homo-, “same,” and phn, “voice, speech.”
Where are homophones used?
While homophones can get found in every day English, they can also get found in these places:
Word games and play
Homophones are frequently employed to make jokes, trick the reader, or imply several meanings. Poems and other works of creative writing frequently use the final tenses.
This is demonstrated in the phrase “The stores in mourning” from Dylan Thomas’ radio play Under Milk Wood, when sorrow might be heard as either dawn or morning.
Another vivid example is Thomas Hood’s use of birth and berth as well as told and toll’d in his poem “Faithless Sally Brown.”
Use as ambiguous information for psychological research
In studies of anxiety, homophones—more specifically, heterographs, where one spelling is scary and the other is not—have been used to test cognitive theories. High anxiety people have a propensity to view ambiguous information as threatening. It is crucial to master a language fluently since young children find it difficult to understand the distinction.
We seldom make a mistake with understanding homophones while we are having a conversation because the listener understands the context. While writing, the errors become distinguishable.
Words that differ only by those sounds in an accent that preserves the distinction are homophonous in the accent with the merger because different sounds have merged in some accents and are no longer distinguishable.
Here are a few English examples:
In most American accents, pin and pen are pronounced same just like by and buy, merry, marry, and Mary.
In most American accents, the words do and due, as well as forward and foreword, sound alike, but not in most English accents.
While the words court and captured, as well as speak and torque, are distinct in most American English dialects and rhotic accents like Scottish English, they are homophones in some non-rhotic accents like British Received Pronunciation.
Wordplay is particularly prevalent in English because, compared to other languages, it is far more difficult to pronounce, spell, and understand due to the diversity of linguistic influences.
Malapropisms, which often create a similar comic effect, are usually near-homophones. An eggcorn is a word or phrase used by mistake because it is homophone or is similar sounding to the original word or phrase. A very common mistake, they can however alter the meaning altogether.
Examples “another thing coming” replaced with “another think coming” or “that’s a moot point” with “that’s a mute point”. Some the common words replaced are tea(drink) with tee(golf ball support), shore(coastline) with sure(certainty).
Same-sounding phrases
In several word games, similar-sounding phrases are frequently employed. Similar-sounding phrases include, for instance:
- ice cream vs. I scream
- euthanasia vs. Youth in Asia
- depend vs. deep end
- Gemini vs. gem in eye vs. Jim and I
- the sky vs. this guy
- four candles vs. fork handles
- sand which is there vs. sandwiches there
- philanderers vs. Flanders
- example vs. egg sample
- some others vs. some mothers vs. smothers
In his Appalachian comedy routine, American comedian Jeff Foxworthy regularly employs similar-sounding lines that play on exaggerated “country” accents. Examples worth mentioning are:
- Initiate vs. and then she ate: “My wife ate two sandwiches, initiate a bag o’ tater chips.”
- Mayonnaise vs. Man, there is: “Mayonnaise a lot of people here tonight.”
- Innuendo vs. in your window: “Hey dude I saw a bird fly innuendo.”
- Mustache vs. must ask: “I mustache you a question.”
In the 1980s, the term “oronyms” was used in an effort to promote a distinguishing term for multiple words or phrases with the same sound, but since the term was already well established in linguistics as an onomastic designation for a class of toponymic features, the alternative use of the term was not well received in academic literature.
Homophone Examples
While homophones are the most confusing, with time one can master the intricacies of the language. Some of the common examples are
- Ate-Eight
- Altar-Alter
- Write — Right
- Break-Brake
- Be-Bee
- Cereal-Serial
- Council-Counsel
- Dual-Duel
- Eye-Aye
- Father —Further
- Gait-Gate
- See — Sea
- Side — Sighed
- Soar — Sore
- Stare — Stair
- Stationary — Stationery
- Steal — Steel
- Buy — Bye
- Sun — Son
- Cite — Site
- Cellar-Seller
- Male-Mail
- Meet-Meat
- Pair-Peer
- You’re-Your
Understanding homophones and homonyms
While slightly tricky to differentiate, homophones and homonyms are distinct in characteristics. Both are derived from a combined form homo-meaning “one of the same, similar alike”, while they have different roots.
Homophone comes from the greek root phōnos (meaning “sounding”); while homonym comes from onyma (meaning “name”). A little tongue twister to understand it all simply is that “all homophones are not homonyms while all homonyms are homophones”.
Homophones are words that sound the same but differ in spelling, meaning, or etymology. These words can be spelled differently from one another (like to, too, and two).
Example “his grandfather died of natural cause” and “she got her shirt dyed in multi-color”, “let’s paint the town red” and “I think I have read this book”, “take a right turn” and “you are absolutely right”.
Homonyms can be homophones or homographs. Some people however consider homonyms to be words that are only spelled and pronounced alike but have different meaning based on the usage or context.
Example being “take a bow” and “the bow that shoots arrows”.
Homophone examples for 3rd grade students
there, their | tears, tiers | been, bean |
weak, week | time, thyme | heal, heel |
wait, weight | pain, pane | tale, tail |
stationary, stationery | fare, fair | whether, weather |
cent, sent | horse, hoarse | paws, pause |
wait, weight | Do, dew | tow, toe |
waist, waste | higher, hire | hole, whole |
to, too, two | roll, role | mail, male |
Soar, sore | maid, made | bares, bears |
knight, night | blew, blue | cell, sell |
route, root | flour, flower | aloud, allowed |
waist, waste | pale, pail | road, rode |
Homophone examples for 2nd grade students
see, sea | tail, tale | some, sum |
sent, scent | steal, steel | meat, meet |
sail, sale | right, write | made, maid |
would, wood | some, sum | hour, our |
dear, deer | not, knot | fair, fare |
week, weak | flu, flew | nose, knows |
where, wear | principal, principle | dear, deer |
their, there | poor, pour | one, won |
know, no | die, dye | eye, I |
dear, deer | buy, by | who’s, whose |
brake, break | bare, bear | which, witch |
Peace, piece | threw, through | one, won |
Homophone example list – words, meanings, examples (A-Z)
Homophones | Meaning | Examples |
A | ||
Air – Heir | Air-The gases essential for existence of life on planet Heir-The person inheriting the ownership rights | The air feels refreshing in Colorado. Jane is the rightful heir to her father’s estate. |
Ad-Add | Ad-An advertisement Add-To put numbers or information together | Let’s put an ad in newspaper for new store opening. Would you like to add your name to the donation list. |
Ant-Aunt | Ant-A small insect Aunt-A relative | I saw ants swarm into the house. My favorite aunt is coming to see me. |
Altar-Alter | Altar-High table used in religious ceremonies Alter– To change something from its original | The couple exchanged wedding vows at the altar. The storm might alter course soon. |
Allowed-Aloud | Allowed– To give permission Aloud-To speak normally without raising voice. | Smoking is not allowed everywhere. You can read the book aloud in the library. |
Alms-Arms | Alms-To give food ad money to the poor. Arms-the part connecting shoulders to hand | John had to live on alms after recession. He carried grocery bags in his arms. |
B | ||
Band-Banned | Band-A group of musicians Banned-Not allowed by law | Metallica is the most famous heavy metal band of all time. These chemicals have been banned worldwide. |
Be-Bee | Be-To exist or be present Bee-An insect that makes honey | What do you want be when you grow up. The bees are buzzing around the garden. |
Bean-Been | Bean-The seeds eaten as vegetables Been-To exist or be present | Beans are good source of plant protein. I have never been to Hong Kong. |
Berth-Birth | Berth-A place to sleep on train or ship Birth– Being born | I have booked a sleeping berth on train for a comfortable journey. Can I ask your date of birth. |
Bread-Bred | Bread-Food made of flour and water baked in oven. Bred-To reproduce | I got a multigrain bread today. This horse is a thorough bred of highest pedigree. |
Buy-Bye | Buy– To purchase something. Bye-To indicate you are leaving | I will buy myself the best sportswear. She never said bye while leaving. |
C | ||
Ceiling-Sealing | Ceiling-The top surface of the roof Sealing-To close or cover a hole | Look at the carved ceiling of the church.The food was sealed to keep it fresh for long hours. |
Check-Cheque | Check-To make sure something or someone I okay. Cheque-A piece of paper that banks allow for financial transaction | Please keep a check on his whereabouts. I will get this cheque encashed when I visit the bank. |
Cite-Sight | Cite-To mention or award Sight-To see or discover | Jane was cited for braving harsh weather and saving a young mountaineer.The snowfall this time of year is a sight for sore eyes. |
Complement- Compliment | Complement– A thing that goes along with something else Compliment-praise, admire | Your shirt complements these trousers. Compliments for a virtuoso piano performance. |
Counsel-Council | Counsel-To give professional advise Council-A group of people elected to govern | I went with my lawyer’s counsel and avoided filing a case. The city council is meeting again to decide about road repairs. |
D | ||
Dam-Damn | Dam– A reservoir made to hold water Damn-A swear word to describe anger | The dam water was flowing above danger mark. Youth is dammed if the formative years are not put to good use. |
Dear-Deer | Dear– A figure of speech to describe your feeling Deer– A large animal with antlers | We hold our loved ones dear and forgive them. I saw a deer prowling around the wild when I went for camping. |
Disburse-Disperse | Disburse– Pay back money from deposit or fund Disperse– To separate and go in different direction | Kids were disbursed the expensed incurred during picnic. The police had to disperse the unruly hipsters during the music fest. |
Discreet-Discrete | Discreet-Careful to avoid embarrassment Discrete– Distinct and separate entity | The package came with discreet shipping. The D-I-Y pack came with two discrete parts that needed assembling. |
Dual-Duel | Dual-Consisting of two parts Duel-A contest or fight for settling dispute | The remote controlled drone comes with dual camera. The warrior king invited his servant to duel with him. |
Discussed-Disgust | Discussed-Talk or write to share opinion or ideas Disgust– Strong disapproval or revulsion. | We have discussed our child’s performance report with the teacher. The teacher was disgusted because of the kid vomiting. |
E | ||
Earn-Urn | Earn-Obtain or work for to be paid Urn-Container to store ashes | You have to earn your respect in the world yourself. He kept his grandfather’s ashes in the urn. |
Exercise-Exorcise | Exercise-physical activity or drill for fitness Exorcise– The ritual to get rid of the evil effect or spirit | You need to exercise daily to keep fit. The priest was called to exorcise spirit out of her body. |
Ensure-Insure | Ensure– Making sure that something will happen. Insure-A compensation for injury or loss | The boss ensured that his daughter didn’t get any special attention. We have to insure our employees in case of a health crisis. |
Elicit-Illicit | Elicit-Evoke or draw reaction to something Illicit-Forbidden by law or society | The artists painting elicited extreme emotions from the masses. His illicit affairs have gotten him into trouble at the college. |
Exalt-Exult | Exalt– Speak or think highly of someone Exult– feeling of winning or triumph | His stature was exalted with his quick promotion at the office. He was exulting at his kids graduation ceremony. |
Eye-Aye | Eye– the organ that gives vision Aye-To accept an order or express affirmation | You can only appreciate beauty if you have an eye for it. The parliament passed the bill when the senator signaled his aye. |
F | ||
Farther-Father | Farther-To go the distance Father-A person’s male parent | The mountaineers had to go farther to touch the clouds.John became a father in mid-age. |
Find-Fined | Find-To explore, discover or unravel Fined-A penalty for doing something wrong or unlawful | The teacher had to find innovative ways to keep kids busy. He was fined for littering on the seaside. |
Flu-Flew | Flu-A illness that feels worse than cold and hurtful Flew-To travel through air | The doctor diagnosed his patient of having a bad bout of flu. My mother flew all the way across America to meet me. |
Flour-Floor | Flour-A powder made grain and wheat Floor-The flat surface made for walking | You have to knead the flour to make a soft bread. My kids toys were all over the floor when I came home. |
Foreward-Forward | Foreward-A brief introduction at the start of book Forward– A direction that moves us forward | Did you read the beautiful foreword in Steve Job’s biography. I look forward to meeting you again soon. |
G | ||
Gait-Gate | Gait-A peculiar way of walk Gate-A door at the opening of a building | Old age had a way of stooping the gait of the old man in our society. The gates of our society are guarded at all times to keep the intruders bay. |
Genes-Jeans | Genes-A unique pattern in our cells that make us different Jeans-Trousers made of blue/denim | John had somehow passed his techie genes to his kid even though he never stressed on it. His jeans was torn off from the bottom but that made him more attractive. |
Great-Grate | Great-Large in amount, quality or character Grate-A tool to rub food and piece it into small size | It is great to see people turn up in large number to cast their vote. You can either grate the potato or mash it for your recipe. |
Groan-Grown | Groan-To make painful sound or show unhappiness Grown-To increase physically, mentally develop | He was wounded after his jungle safari and was groaning in pain when he got home. If you are grown man, you better start taking care of paying for your own college. |
Greece-Grease | Greece-A country in Southeast Europe. Grease-A think and sticky oil used in engines | Greece is a wonderful and romantic place to visit in the summers. He had to grease some palms to make sure his residential complex got approved. |
H | ||
Here-Hear | Here– In at the place mentioned or pointed at Hear-To listen through ears | Here is an example of what can happen if you drive fast.It is great to hear that colleges are opening again after lockdown. |
Hi-High | Hi-An informal way to greet someone High-At the top or summit of something | I called to say hi and check on your health.The mountains might feel high but wait till you touch the clouds. |
Him-Hymn | Him– A way to mention a male person without repeating Hymn– A religious song sung in church | It is up to him if he wants to spend time at home with his date or take her out. I can’t seem to forget the hymn I heard at church last Sunday. |
Hour-Our | Hour– A period of time i.e. 60 minutes Our-Belonging to us | His jobs pays him handsomely and he is paid by the hour. Our teacher is the best and makes learning interesting. |
Heal-Heel | Heal– To become healthy after injury Heel– The back part of the shoe | You’ve got an injury that will take some time to heal.He took to his heels when his parents started scolding him. |
I | ||
Idle-Idol | Idle-Not do anything or be lazy Idol-A person who is considered admirable | The factory closure had left him with a lot of idle time. She used to consider her English teacher her idol while growing up. |
Incite-Insight | Incite-To encourage someone to do something wrong Insight-A deep understanding gained with experience | The politician was arrested for inciting crowds. His insight helped the company complete the complex project timely. |
Inn-in | Inn– A small eatery or pub In-A period of time or being inside | I found a beautiful inn by the countryside while I was visiting Ireland. I am living in a world of my dreams. |
Illusive-Ellusive | Illusive-Deceptive or imaginary Elusive-Not easy to catch hold of | Happiness is illusive for those who are finding fault in everything.She wanted a love story as elusive as the rose without thorns. |
J | ||
Jell-Gel | Jell-Work well together Gel-A thick sticky substance | His colleagues seem to jell with him over work and otherwise. The shampoo gel was irritating to the eyes. |
Jim-Gym | Jim– A name of a person Gym-A place to exercise | Jim was my teacher who loved me like his own child. The gym teacher wanted me to train hard for a better physique. |
K | ||
Know-No | Know-To be aware of something No-Something not allowed | You need to know that life is not as easy as you think.Learn to say no if you do not want to be bombarded at work. |
Knot-Not | Knot-A place that ties two ropes or string Not-A negative way of expression | At the summer camp, they teach kids to tie a knot that is impossible to untie. It is said that my parents do not allow me to go out after dark. |
Knew-New | Knew-Prior knowledge of something New-Recently made or built or discovered | He knew that my flight would be delayed. Let’s go check out the new restaurant in the neighborhood. |
Knead-Need | Knead– A process of making flour or bread Need– To want something | You will find all the ingredients to knead a bread in the kitchen.You can always depend on your friends in the time of need. |
L | ||
Lessen-Lesson | Lessen-To become less in intensity Lesson-To learn or teach something | Taking pain medication will lessen the pain. I have learnt my lesson not to intervene among lovers. |
Lien-Lean | Lien-A claim upon a property as per law Lean-To support or move your body forward | He had a lien on the property that made its resale impossible. He leaned against the wall that was plastered only recently. |
Loan-Lone | Loan-Money that is lend to someone Lone-Alone, without company | The loan I took for the property has been paid for in full. He was the lone ranger who protected the city from gangsters. |
Low-Lo | Low-On ground or shorter in height Lo-An expression to draw attention | The pilot flew the aircraft perilously low to the ground. Lo and behold, watch the majestic mountain in all its glory. |
M | ||
Medal-Meddle | Medal-An award for distinctive achievement Meddle-Interfere in someone’s affairs | He won a medal for his bravery. His parents started meddling in his love life much to his dismay. |
Made-Maid | Made-The composition of something Maid– A servant to help with chores | I made fire from rubbing stone the first time. Her maid is the sole reason reason why her room is always sparkling clean. |
Maize-Maze | Maize-A cob plant that produces yellow grains Maze-A zigzag path create to confuse | A field of maize field made us stop to smell the flowers. The taxes are a labyrinth of a maze you cannot understand. |
Merry-Marry | Merry-An expressive of happiness Marry-Wedding | Her merry laughter brightened the whole room. John is going to marry his childhood sweetheart this Sunday. |
N | ||
Nun-None | Nun-A women who is part of religious congregation like church None-No one, not any | I met a nun at the church while praying who I recognized from childhood. It is none of our business how he lives his life. |
Nit-Knit | Nit-Egg of tiny insect that penetrates hair Knit-Weaving to make clothing | Let’s not nit-pick each other fault. She knit a beautiful pullover for her son. |
Navel-Naval | Navel-The small hole in the stomach Naval-Associated with navy | She had gotten a navel piercing without telling anyone. He is a decorated naval officer. |
Neck-Knack | Neck– The part joining head and body Knack-Special ability that is leaned or comes naturally | I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. I have a knack of picking the best discount at the superstore. |
O | ||
Overdue-Overdo | Overdue-Whose date has elapsed Overdo-To do something beyond limit | The tenant was reminded by the landlord of the overdue rent. The doctor advised him to exercise normally and not overdo it. |
One-Won | One-Numerical digit Won-To be the best, succeed in competition | The number one reason for our friendship is no secrets. He won the racing championship in record time. |
Owe-Oh | Owe-when you are entitled to pay or feel like doing something Oh-An expression used to emphasise | You owe me an apology after you got me late to the school. Oh, come on. Let’s party after school. |
P | ||
Passed-Past | Passed-An achievement in exams, test or preparation Past-Something done before in time | He passed the exams with flying colors. I met her in the past and she hasn’t changed a bit since. |
Peace-Piece | Peace-Calm, quiet and free of violence Piece-A part of something | Peace is not a guarantee of happy relationships. The potter made every piece of porcelain with love and devotion. |
Prey-Pray | Prey-An animal killed or eaten by another Pray-A way of worship | Don’t prey on gullible people if you are looking for harmless fun. She used to go pray after Sunday in the nearby church. |
Principal-Principle | Principle-A rule Principal-A head of organisation or most important person | I follow the principle of always returning money without delay. The principal was strict enough to discipline all the students at school. |
Q | ||
Queue-Cue | Queue-A line of cars, people or things Cue-A signal meant to provide direction | You have to stand in queue for tickets if you want to watch your favorite movie. This is your cue to stop talking and start listing to her when she is upset. |
R | ||
Ring-Wring | Ring-A piece of jewellery, a bell, or shape of seating Wring-To squeeze cloths to dry them | The ring she got from her fiancée looked very expensive. The local lender will wring you dry until you have paid the last penny. |
Role-Roll | Role– A part that someone performs Roll-Moving something over and over | We all have a role to play in life in order to be successful. The stone rolled down the mountain like a toy. |
Rude-Rued | Rude-impolite way of conversing Rued-Regret something | It is awfully rude to call someone in the morning. He rued the day he took out a loan from the bank. |
S | ||
Sail-Sale | Sail-A piece of cloth that helps ship manoeuvre the winds Sale-Discount or reduced pricing | The ship set sail to discover new frontiers.My favorite dress is on sale and I will not lose this opportunity. |
Scene-Seen | Scene-A representation of the the event or place of incident Seen-An expression of affirmation | The scene of the crime was sanitized after the forensic examination. If you have seen the movie, you’ll agree that it is a classic. |
Shoe-Shoo | Shoe-A covering on foot to support walk Shoo-To discourage or drive away someone | His shoes felt oversized for his frail body.He had to shoo his colleague from his cabin because of cigarette stink. |
Soar-Sore | Soar-To fly or rise high in the air Sore– Pain or ache residual feeling | If you want to soar high, don’t mind falling a bit.He felt bit sore after a long trek down the mountain. |
T | ||
Tail-Tale | Tail-A hindmost part of animal, airplane, garment that protrudes out Tale-A story | The dog’s tail started wagging when it got its favorite treat. The tale of the dragon saving the princess made the kids emotional. |
Team-Teem | Team-A group people Teem-A place where a lot of people gather or hang | No success is possible without team effort. The mall was teeming with shoppers after they announced the sale. |
Than-Then | Than-Used for comparison Then-A period of time | The cricketer was playing way better than we thought. Back then we used to take extra-circular activities casually. |
Throne-Thrown | Throne-A position of king or queen Thrown-To put something or put it carelessly | Harry is next to the throne after his elder brother William. He was thrown out of the pub after the brawl. |
U | ||
Undo-undue | Undo-To untie, unfasten or reverse Undue-Something unreasonable | You can’t undo past mistakes of but you can start with a clean slate. The employer took an undue advantage by making them work overtime without pay. |
V | ||
Vain-Vein | Vain-Useless or unworthy of effort Vein-The blood vessels in the body | Hard work never got in vain if you are willing to hold on to the knowledge. I could see the rush of adrenaline pulsing through his veins. |
Vary-Very | Vary-to be different from other Very-Used to emphasize extremity | The doctor tried different treatments, with varying degrees of success. It is not very uncommon to see kids connect with each other over hobbies in kindergarten. |
W | ||
We’ll-Wheel | We’ll– Express that a group of people will do something Wheel-A circular object that provides motion | We’ll do whatever it takes to make this county the best in America. The kid was pretending to drive the shopping cart as if he was behind the wheels. |
Wear-Ware | Wear-Clothing for protection or covering body Ware-Articles for sale | You can wear whatever you want to the office as long as it is not revealing and skimpy. The shopkeeper had to move his wares from outside the shop because of heavy rain. |
Y | ||
Yoke-Yolk | Yoke-A plough to pull bull together, something that makes life difficult Yolk-The yellow part of the egg | The yoke of tyranny is no different from that of slavery and one should fight against it. The egg yolk is yummy and delicious. |
Your-Yore | Your-Belonging to the person mentioned Yore-Long time ago | It is always recommended to wash your hands before eating anything. Gone are the days of yore when you could buy a good ice-cream for a dollar. |
Homophone activities for students
There are many interactive activities that can be designed to keep kids focused and learn homophones. Some of them are-
Game of Charades
In order to ensure that kids are reading and acting out the words correctly, this game will require several players, including one adult to serve as the moderator.
Things required:
- Paper Slips
- Bag, box, bowl
- Homophone list visible to all players on a board, poster, or big piece of paper
On pieces of paper, jot down a number of homophones. Write the identical list of homophones in plain sight of each player on the board or on a poster. This will act as a reference guide to make the game more clear and ensure that players who are guessing the word are guessing the right spellings. The slips are folded and combined in the container.
Permit the kids to take turns selecting words from the jar and acting them out as best they can. To make sure the child knows the homophone’s correct meaning, read the word yourself. You can decide whether to allow a one- or two-word tip because some terms might be more ambiguous.
The guessers are required to raise their hands, guess the word, and identify the word on the lengthy reference list. Try to give each youngster a chance to take the role of the words.
Guess Hedbanz
Children collaborate to match the correct spellings to images that represent various homophones in this homophone matching activity. As preventing the kids from seeing their own phrase or picture adds an additional obstacle, it is intended to be played similarly to the party game Hedbanz.
You can take off the headbands and only provide the word or picture cards to younger readers who might have trouble understanding the concept. They will be able to see their own phrase or image and quickly locate the youngster who matches it, eliminating any potential confusion in the game’s cooperative elements.
Things required:
- Homophone picture cards and word cards that are printed headbands made from paper strips
Tape or a stapler
Print the phrase and picture cards, then staple or tape them to paper strips to create the headbands. Give a headband to each kid.
They will have to work together because they are unable to see what is on their own headband. The kids wearing headbands with words will have to explain to the kids wearing headbands with pictures what their pictures are.
The kids who have pictures on their headbands will also need to read the words on the other headbands and provide the relevant context for the sentences. To find the match to their word or picture, all the kids will have to cooperate.
Treasure Hunt
You will just need to do a quick preparation for this homophone student activity while the kids are out of the room, but after it is ready, it can be left and completed as a large group, small group, or individual activity.
Things required:
- Homophone picture cards printed
- A piece of paper or a notebook with space for kids to write homophone terms
The homophone picture cards should be printed and numbered. If you want to check the kids’ work after the exercise, you might want to keep a master record of the words and their accompanying numbers. Cut them out and scatter them around the room in obvious locations.
To the quantity of homophones you’ve buried across the room, have the kids add their papers. Allow them to search for photographs by having them explore the space together or in smaller groups. They have to write the word with the proper spelling next to the matching number on their notepad whenever they come across an image of a homophone.
Homophone Puzzle
You can create crossword puzzle games with words that correspond with the answers to interesting facts. They can be asked to fill in various homophone pairs for each letter of the alphabet. This is a fantastic method to get your pupils to consider all of the many homophones in-depth!
Giving your students access to a dictionary could be a good idea, and you could set a fun task for them to discover some odd homophones.
Then, students can share with one another the most bizarre homophones they have discovered for various alphabet letters.
Quiz Time
Simple quizzes like the one below can also be a great way to practice and learn.
Test your comprehension skills by choosing the correct homophone in the examples given below!
- Would you like to ______ what I have to say.
- When I was young, I ______ all of the Harry Potter books.
- Let’s go shopping! I want to ______ something new to the weekend party.
- Look ______ the window – you will be able to gaze at the stars!
- I saw your laptop over ______.
- I have ______ dogs and one cat at home.
- Our teacher said we should ask for her______ when things get difficult.
- This was the last ______ of the pie?
- Chocolate is better ______ vegetables any day.
- Online learning is off _________ similar to classroom experience.
- Studying in ______ silence helps people focus better.
Homophones are pretty easy to understand. Teachers should assess the intellect and capability of students before including them in a game. Students in different grades can be introduced to this concept.
Make sure things remain playful and not forceful feeding at your end.
Generally, kids find the exercise interesting and enjoyable.
A great way to build vocabulary and spellings, these confusing words will no longer be difficult to comprehend with practice.
- “Homophones and its types” http://promptproofing.com/eggcorns-and-homophones/
- “Difference between homophones and homonyms simplified” https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/homophones-vs-homographs-vs-homonyms
- “Find out about your comprehension skills” https://www.english.com/blog/english-homophone-quiz/
- “Interesting quizzes and assignments” https://www.education.com/worksheet/article/grip-grammar-homophones-11/
- “Comprehensive info on homophones” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophone
- “Learning the difference between homophones and homonyms” https://www.diffen.com/difference/Homonym_vs_Homophone
- “Homophone activities to sharpen your mind” https://vivaphonics.com/games-and-activities-for-teaching-homophones/
- “Comprehensive list of homophones” https://onlymyenglish.com/list-of-homophones/
- “Top guide to homophones” https://englishwithmila.com/homophones-with-examples/“
- “An exhaustive list of homophones” https://7esl.com/homophones/
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Core lessons
- Abstract Noun
- Accusative Case
- Anecdote
- Antonym
- Active Sentence
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Adjective Clause
- Adjective Phrase
- Ampersand
- Anastrophe
- Adverbial Clause
- Appositive Phrase
- Clause
- Compound Adjective
- Complex Sentence
- Compound Words
- Compound Predicate
- Common Noun
- Comparative Adjective
- Comparative and Superlative
- Compound Noun
- Compound Subject
- Compound Sentence
- Copular Verb
- Collective Noun
- Colloquialism
- Conciseness
- Consonance
- Conditional
- Concrete Noun
- Conjunction
- Conjugation
- Conditional Sentence
- Comma Splice
- Correlative Conjunction
- Coordinating Conjunction
- Coordinate Adjective
- Cumulative Adjective
- Dative Case
- Determiner
- Declarative Sentence
- Declarative Statement
- Direct Object Pronoun
- Direct Object
- Diction
- Diphthong
- Dangling Modifier
- Demonstrative Pronoun
- Demonstrative Adjective
- Direct Characterization
- Definite Article
- Doublespeak
- False Dilemma Fallacy
- Future Perfect Progressive
- Future Simple
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect
- First Conditional
- Irregular Adjective
- Irregular Verb
- Imperative Sentence
- Indefinite Article
- Intransitive Verb
- Introductory Phrase
- Indefinite Pronoun
- Indirect Characterization
- Interrogative Sentence
- Intensive Pronoun
- Inanimate Object
- Indefinite Tense
- Infinitive Phrase
- Interjection
- Intensifier
- Infinitive
- Indicative Mood
- Participle
- Parallelism
- Prepositional Phrase
- Past Simple Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Progressive Tense
- Present Simple Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Personal Pronoun
- Personification
- Persuasive Writing
- Parallel Structure
- Phrasal Verb
- Predicate Adjective
- Predicate Nominative
- Phonetic Language
- Plural Noun
- Punctuation
- Punctuation Marks
- Preposition
- Preposition of Place
- Parts of Speech
- Possessive Adjective
- Possessive Determiner
- Possessive Case
- Possessive Noun
- Proper Adjective
- Proper Noun
- Present Participle
- Prefix
- Predicate