Looking for adjectives that start with “U?” Words that describe the attributes or states of being of nouns are referred to as their adjectives. In addition to that, they may be used to describe the number of nouns. In this section, you will become familiar with a helpful collection of English adjectives that begin with the letter U.
Because “un” is a common prefix, the letter U can be used in a wide variety of adjectives. “Un” can signify “not,” “opposite,” or “contrary to,” depending on the context.
As a consequence of this, an overwhelming majority of adjectives that start with U tend to have a connotation of negativity.

List of adjectives that start with U
The following is a list of adjectives whose first letter is U, followed by their definitions.
- uber – synonym for “super” or “high level”
- ubiquitous – having the appearance of being present in several places at the same time; omnipresent
- ugly – having an unpleasant appearance; being undesirable from an aesthetic standpoint
- ulcerated – characterized by the presence of an ulcer
- ulterior – later, following; beyond what is evident or implicit; not disclosed; beyond what is clear or indicated
- ultimate – something which cannot be surpassed; the biggest or highest point that can be reached feasible
- ultra – going beyond the typical limit; it is extravagant and severe
- ultrasonic – is defined as having a frequency that is beyond the range that the human ear can detect
- umbrageous – having shadow; easily offended, agitated by something incorrect or unjust; irritated by things that are unfair or unjust.
- umpteenth – referring to something that has occurred on a number of different instances in the past
- unctuous: having a smooth or slick quality to one’s words or demeanor
- understanding – being characterized by or having the quality of comprehension or compassion
- underweight – having a weight that is below what is considered normal or acceptable
- unique – being the only one of its kind; not having any similarity or equivalent; surpassing all others
- unified – to come together; to merge; to become one; to be in accord or concord
- urban – belonging to or typical of a metropolis as opposed to the countryside
- urgent – requiring prompt action; the utmost necessity
- usable – in a state of being able to be put to use
- ultimate – most severe; greatest
- underrated – evaluated, assessed, or estimated too low; rated, assessed, or considered too lowly
- umber – it is a natural pigment that looks similar to ochre but is deeper in color and is often a dark yellowish-brown in hue

Descriptive adjectives that start with U
The following is a list of descriptive adjectives that begin with the letter U.
- Ubiquitous – appearing or being there everywhere you look for it.
- Ultimate – having or taking place at the conclusion of a procedure; being or becoming definitive.
- Ultra – an extremist.
- Umber – a natural pigment that looks similar to ochre but is darker and is often a color that is dark yellowish-brown.
- Unable – being unable of doing anything due to a lack of ability, resources, or opportunities.
- Unacceptable – not acceptable or permitted under the circumstances.
- Unadvisable – alternative word for inadvisable; anything that is likely to have unfavorable results; something that is foolish.
- Unargued – being free from argument; being free from counterargument; being unquestioned.
- Unarmed – not carrying any weapons and not being equipped to carry any.
- Unasked – notwithstanding attempts to seek or request it
- Unbecoming – not flattering; not suitable or proper; unsightly.
- Unbelievable – impossible to believe; extremely improbable to be correct. so vast or intense that it is hard to accept it; anything that is amazing.
- Unbelieved – to refrain from believing something.
- Unbidden – without having received a command or been extended an invitation; appearing without the use of intentional effort
- Unblemished – not broken or damaged in any manner whatsoever.
- Unborn – not yet born; “not yet”
- Unbuttoned – not buttoned; lacking buttons in its construction
- Uncanny – odd or mysterious, especially in a manner that causes unease or discomfort.
- Uncertain – not reliable; without knowledge or certainty about the situation.
- Uncompromising – exhibiting a refusal to make compromises to other people, especially by changing one’s methods or ideas in response to what others say or do.

Positive adjectives that start with U
Here is a list of positive adjectives that start with U.
- Unbeatable – not capable of being beaten or improved upon in a competition or by competitors in the market.
- Unbeaten – not vanquished or outdone in any way.
- Unbiased – exhibiting neither favor nor aversion toward anything; being devoid of bias.
- Unblemished – not damaged or marked in any manner
- Unbreakable – not easily susceptible to breaking or capable of being broken in a simple manner.
- Unceasing – not coming to an end; existing without interruption.
- Uncluttered – not having, or being hindered by, an excessive number of things, details, or components.
- Unconcerned – exhibiting a lack of concern or interest, particularly when this lack of concern or interest is shocking or cruel.
- Unconditional – not bound by any particular constraints
- Unconstrained – not constrained or confined in any way.
- Unconventional – not founded on or adhering to what is often done or believed in the majority of cases.
- Uninjured – not hurt or destroyed.
- Uninterrupted – without an interruption in the continuity of the narrative.
- Unique – being unique in the sense that there is no other example of it; not being like anything else.
- United – affiliated with one another politically, for the pursuit of the same goal, or out of shared sentiment.
- Universal – pertaining to or done by every person or item in the world or in a certain group; applicable to all instances.
- Unmasked – without wearing a mask.
- Unmatched – unrivaled in quality and excellence; superior to all others of its kind.
- Unmistakable – impossible to confuse with anything else; characterized by a strong sense of individuality.
- Unperturbed – neither disturbed nor bothered at all.
Negative adjectives that start with U
Here is a list of negative adjectives that start with U.
- Ugly – offensive or revolting, especially in regard to one’s physical appearance.
- Unable – being unable of doing anything due to a lack of ability, resources, or opportunities.
- Unacceptable – not acceptable or permitted under the circumstances.
- Unaccountable – unable to describe in any way.
- Unaccustomed – a departure from what is typical or expected; unusual.
- Unacknowledged – despite occurring or having taken place, something is not acknowledged, accepted, or admitted to.
- Unadvised – without the benefit of guidance or counsel; ignorant
- Unaffordable – pricey to the point where the typical individual cannot afford it.
- Unanswerable – not susceptible to being responded.
- Unanticipated – not what was anticipated or expected.
- Unapologetic – failing to acknowledge or express sorrow for anything.
- Unappealing – not welcoming or appealing to the eye.
- Unappetizing – not tempting or pleasant; unclean or unfit for human consumption.
- Unappreciative – a lack of complete comprehension, recognition, or appreciation of something.
- Unapproachable – not friendly or inviting at all.
- Unattainable – not possible to attain or reach the goal of.
- Unattractive – not attractive to the eye or appealing to the sense of sight.
- Unauthorized – lacking formal authority or approval to do anything.
- Unavailable – not possible to use or get; not available to someone for use or acquisition.
- Unbearable – unable to be endured or tolerated under any circumstances.
Adjectives that start with U to describe a person
- Unaccountable – unable to describe in any way.
- Unacknowledged – despite occurring or having taken place, something is not acknowledged, accepted, or admitted to.
- Unaffected – exhibiting or experiencing no effects or changes at all.
- Unattractive – not attractive to the eye or appealing to the sense of sight.
- Unavailable – not possible to use or get; not available to someone for use or acquisition.
- Unbalanced – characterized by emotional or mental instability.
- Unbeatable – not capable of being beaten or improved upon in a competition or by competitors in the market.
- Unbelievable – impossible to believe; extremely improbable to be correct.
- Unblemished – not damaged or marked in any manner.
- Unblinking – not blinking.
- Unblushing – not experiencing or displaying any feelings of humiliation or shame.
- Unchangeable – not subject to change or capable of being modified in any way.
- Uncivilized – not progressed socially, culturally, or ethically for its time.
- Uncommon – atypical or not typical; extraordinary.
- Unconditional – not bound by any particular constraints
- Unconscious – not awake, not aware of one’s surroundings, and not responsive to those surroundings.
- Undefeated – not beaten, particularly in a fight or other form of competition.
- Underage – too young to engage in a certain activity lawfully.
- Underbred – ill-mannered; impolite.
- Underprivileged – being denied the right to the same level of rights or the same standard of living as the majority of individuals in a community.
Example sentences using adjectives that start with “U”
- He made a very unique project on deforestation.
- All the members were united during their protest against company policies.
- James wanted to visit the upper part of the town, but he was too tired to do so.
- He gave a very unpopular opinion on the situation. Still, people were keen to listen to him.
- Charles maintained an upright attitude while meeting his colleagues.
- Julie was quite unkind to her employees.
- Even though it is snowing heavily, it is unlikely that the office will be closed.
- The professor could not handle Bill’s unyielding attitude.
- I met the most upbeat girl in my life.
Adjectives that start with “U” (images)

Other adjective lists
Other lists of adjectives:
- Adjectives that start with A
- Adjectives that start with B
- Adjectives that start with C
- Adjectives that start with D
- Adjectives that start with E
- Adjectives that start with F
- Adjectives that start with G
- Adjectives that start with H
- Adjectives that start with I
- Adjectives that start with J
- Adjectives that start with K
- Adjectives that start with L
- Adjectives that start with M
- Adjectives that start with N
- Adjectives that start with O
- Adjectives that start with P
- Adjectives that start with Q
- Adjectives that start with R
- Adjectives that start with S
- Adjectives that start with T
- Adjectives that start with U
- Adjectives that start with V
- Adjectives that start with W
- Adjectives that start with X
- Adjectives that start with Y
- Adjectives that start with Z
- Adjectives That Start With U
- What Is an Adjective?
- Adjectives that Start with U: 1700+ U Adjectives in English
- Adjectives That Start With A Through Z & How They’re Used
- Adjectives That Start With U
- Adjectives that Start with U: List of 100 Adjectives that Start with U
- Ultimate List Of Positive Adjectives Starting With U
- Words Starting with U
- Adjectives That Start with U
- Adjectives Starting with U PDF | List of Adjectives that Start with U
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Core lessons
- Abstract Noun
- Accusative Case
- Anecdote
- Antonym
- Active Sentence
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Adjective Clause
- Adjective Phrase
- Ampersand
- Anastrophe
- Adverbial Clause
- Appositive Phrase
- Clause
- Compound Adjective
- Complex Sentence
- Compound Words
- Compound Predicate
- Common Noun
- Comparative Adjective
- Comparative and Superlative
- Compound Noun
- Compound Subject
- Compound Sentence
- Copular Verb
- Collective Noun
- Colloquialism
- Conciseness
- Consonance
- Conditional
- Concrete Noun
- Conjunction
- Conjugation
- Conditional Sentence
- Comma Splice
- Correlative Conjunction
- Coordinating Conjunction
- Coordinate Adjective
- Cumulative Adjective
- Dative Case
- Determiner
- Declarative Sentence
- Declarative Statement
- Direct Object Pronoun
- Direct Object
- Diction
- Diphthong
- Dangling Modifier
- Demonstrative Pronoun
- Demonstrative Adjective
- Direct Characterization
- Definite Article
- Doublespeak
- False Dilemma Fallacy
- Future Perfect Progressive
- Future Simple
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect
- First Conditional
- Irregular Adjective
- Irregular Verb
- Imperative Sentence
- Indefinite Article
- Intransitive Verb
- Introductory Phrase
- Indefinite Pronoun
- Indirect Characterization
- Interrogative Sentence
- Intensive Pronoun
- Inanimate Object
- Indefinite Tense
- Infinitive Phrase
- Interjection
- Intensifier
- Infinitive
- Indicative Mood
- Participle
- Parallelism
- Prepositional Phrase
- Past Simple Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Progressive Tense
- Present Simple Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Personal Pronoun
- Personification
- Persuasive Writing
- Parallel Structure
- Phrasal Verb
- Predicate Adjective
- Predicate Nominative
- Phonetic Language
- Plural Noun
- Punctuation
- Punctuation Marks
- Preposition
- Preposition of Place
- Parts of Speech
- Possessive Adjective
- Possessive Determiner
- Possessive Case
- Possessive Noun
- Proper Adjective
- Proper Noun
- Present Participle
- Prefix
- Predicate