Looking for adjectives that start with the letter “A?” Adjectives are words that modify or describe the quality, state, and quantity of nouns and pronouns. Adjectives can also be comparative or superlative, like the angriest, most adorable, and more accessible.
Without adjectives, sentences would be too straightforward and boring. Adjectives add more meaning to nouns and pronouns and help in expressing ideas in a better and clearer way.
Here are some adjectives that begin with A. The difficult words are accompanied by meanings to make it easier for you to use them.

List of adjectives that start with A
- Abactinal: Situated away or opposite from the mouth
- Abashed
- Abaxial: Facing away from the axis
- Abbreviated
- Abdominovesical: Relating to the abdomen
- Abducent:
- Abecedarian: Alphabetically arranged
- Aberdonian: Of or relating to the city of Aberdeen
- Aberrant: Markedly different from traditional norms
- Abeyant: Inactive but capable of being active in future
- Abiding
- Abient: Avoidance or moving away from stimulus
- Abiogenetic: Originating by abiogenesis or development of the living organism
- Abject: Utter hopelessness
- Abkhaz: Relating to Abkhazia
- Ablaze
- Abloom
- Ablutionary: Washing ritual e.g. hands
- Abominable: Causing moral revulsion
- Aboral: Situated opposite or away from the mouth
- Aboriginal: Indigenous
- Abortifacient
- About
- Above
- Above-board
- Aboveboard: Without concealment
- Aboveground
- Abranchious: Having no gills
- Abreast
- Abroach: Tapped cask or barrel
- Abroad
- Absolutist: Believer in totalitarianism
- Absorbefacient: Promoting absorption
- Absorbing
- Abstemious: Moderate eating or drinking
- Abstinent: Self-restraining
- Abstract
- Abstractive: Possessing the power of abstracting
- Abstruse: Difficult to understand
- Academic
- Acanthoid: Shaped like a spine or thorn
- Acanthous: Shaped like a spine or thorn
- Acarpellous: Having no carpels
- Acarpous: Producing no fruit
- Accelerando: Gradually increasing speed, especially in music
- Acceptable
- Accepting
- Accessible
- Accessorial: Aiding in a crime.
- Accessory
- Accipitrine: Relating to the family of falcons, osprey, and vulture
- Acclivitous: Sloping upward
- Accompanying
- Accordant
- Accountable
- Accountable
- Accumbent: Lying down, reclining on a couch
- Accurate
- Accursed: Under a curse
- Accusatory: Expressing accusation
- Accustomed
- Ace
- Acellular: Devoid of cells
- Acephalous: Lacking a head
- Acerate: Narrow, long, and pointed
- Acerb: Sour or bitter
- Acetose: Tasting or smelling like vinegar
- Acetous: Resembling vinegar
- Achromatic: Without colors
- Achromatous: Having slight color.
- Achromic: Having no color except white, black, and grey
- Achy
- Acidic
- Acidophilic: Growing favorably in acidic conditions
- Acidulent
- Acoustic
- Acquainted
- Acquainted
- Acquiescent
- Acquisitive
- Acrid
- Active
- Actual
- Actual
- Acyclic
- Adagio: Leisurely
- Adamant
- Adamant
- Adamantine
- Additional
- Additional
- Addlebrained: Stupid and confused
- Adducting
- Adept
- Adequate
- Adjacent
- Adjoining
- Adjunctive
- Adjustable
- Administrative
- Admirable
- Admiring
- Admissible
- Admittable
- Adrenalized: Tense or highly charged
- Adroit: Cleverly skillful
- Adult
- Adulterate
- Advanced
- Advantageous
- Adversarial: Involving opposition or arguments
- Advertent
- Advisable
- Aerial
- Aeriferous: Conveying air
- Aesthetical
- Affable
- Affected
- Affectionate
- Affective
- Affiliated
- Affined
- Affirmative
- Affluent
- Affluential
- Affordable
- Affordable
- Afoot
- Aforementioned
- Aforesaid
- Afraid
- African
- Agamous: Having no pair-bonded mate
- Agape: Very surprised
- Aged
- Age-long
- Agglomerate
- Aggravated
- Aggravating
- Aggregative
- Aggressive
- Agitated
- Agonizing
- Agrarian: Related to cultivation, rural
- Agreeable
- Airsick
- Airy
- Ajar
- Alacritous
- Alacritous: Brisk or lively
- Alarming
- Alert
- Algebraic
- Alien
- Alienated
- Alight
- Alike
- Alive
- All-around
- Alleged
- Allegiant: Loyal or faithful
- All-important
- All-knowing
- Allowable
- All-purpose
- All-too-common
- Alluring
- Allusive
- Alluvial
- Alone
- Alone
- Aloof
- Alterable
- Alternate
- Alternating
- Alternative
- Amatory
- Amazing
- Ambiguous
- Ambitious
- Ambivalent
- Ambulant: Capable of walking around
- Ambulatory
- American
- Americanized
- Amiable
- Amicable
- Amorous
- Amphibian
- Ample
- Amusing
- Anamnestic: Something that aids memory
- Ancient
- Anecdotal
- Anemic
- Angered
- Angular
- Animal
- Animalistic
- Animated
- Annoying
- Annual
- Anonymous
- Another
- Another
- Antagonistic
- Anticipated
- Anticlimactic: Not as exciting as expected
- Anti-corrosive
- Antiquated
- Antiseptic
- Antisocial
- Antsy
- Anxious
- Apathetic
- Apologetic
- Apologizing
- Appalling
- Apparent
- Appealing
- Appetizing
- Applauding
- Applicable
- Applicative
- Appreciative
- Apprehensive
- Approachable
- Approaching
- Appropriate
- Appropriate
- Approving
- Approving
- Approximate
- Apropos: With reference to, with regards to
- Aquatic
- Aquiver
- Architectural
- Ardent
- Arduous
- Argent: Silvery white, tincture of metal silver
- Argentine: Relating to the people of Argentina
- Argillaceous: Containing clay
- Arguable
- Arguable
- Argumentative
- Argumentative
- Ariled: Brightly colored cover usually of seeds
- Ariose: Having a melody
- Aristocratical
- Arithmetical
- Armed
- Armillary
- Armless
- Ashamed
- Ashamed
- Asleep
- Aspiring
- Assertive
- Assignable
- Assistant
- Assistive
- Assorted
- Assuasive: Soothing or calming
- Assumable
- Assured
- Assurgent
- Assuring
- Astonished
- Astonishing
- Astounded
- Astounding
- Astringent
- Astronomical
- Astute
- Asymmetrical
- Athletic
- Atomic
- Atrocious
- Attachable
- Attainable
- Attention-getting
- Attentive
- Attractive
- Attributable
- Atypical
- Audacious
- Audacious: Showing willingness to take a risk, daring and unconventional
- Audio
- Auricular
- Auspicious
- Austere
- Australian
- Austrian
- Authentic
- Authoritarian
- Autobiographical
- Autographed
- Autographed
- Automatic
- Autonomous
- Autumnal
- Available
- Avant-garde
- Avascular: Without blood vessels
- Avenging
- Average
- Aversive
- Avian
- Avionic
- Avirulent: Not pathogenic
- Avoidable
- Awaited
- Awake
- Awakening
- Aware
- Awash
- Away
- Aweary: Wearied or fatigued
- Aweigh: Hanging clear of the bottom (as an anchor)
- Awesome
- Awestricken
- Awny: Having awns (hair-like appendages)
- Awry
- Axenic
- Axial
- Axillary
- Axiological: Relating to the study of values/ ethics
- Axiomatic
- Axiomatic: Self-evident or unquestionable
- Ayurvedic

Descriptive adjectives that start with A
- Ablaze
- Abrupt
- Abuzz: Noisy, sound like bees
- Ageless
- Aglow
- Amaranthine: Pinkish
- Amusing
- Aplenty
- Apollonian: Relating to or resembling the Greek god Apollo
- Appetizing
- Appropriate
- Apt
- Arid
- Aristocratic
- Aristocratic
- Aromatic
- Arousing
- Arresting
- Arresting
- Arrogant
- Artful
- Artificial
- Astir
- Astronomical
- Astute
- Atypical
- Au fait
- Automatic
- Awash
- Awe-inspiring
- Awful
- Awkward
Positive adjectives that start with A
- Abundant
- Accepting
- Accredited
- Achievable
- Acknowledged
- Acquainted
- Actual
- Acuminous
- Acute
- Adaptable
- Adjusted
- Admired
- Admissible
- Adoring
- Advantaged
- Advantageous
- Advantageous
- Advisable
- Aesthetic
- Aesthetical
- Affluent
- Agile
- Aholic: Unable to stop doing something
- All
- Allied
- Alluring
- Alright
- Altruistic
- Amelioratory: Making an effort to do better
- Amicable
- Apologetic
- Astonishing
- Astounding
- Athletic
- Auspicious
- Authentic
- Authorized
- Avid
- Awaited
Negative adjectives that start with A
- Abhorrent
- Abject
- Abolishable
- Abominable
- Abortive: Failed, not successful
- Abrasive
- Abrupt
- Absentminded
- Absurd
- Abusive
- Abysmal
- Abysmal: Immeasurable
- Accidental
- Accused
- Accusing
- Acerbic
- Aching
- Acrimonious
- Acrimonious: Bitter or sharp manner of speech
- Adamant
- Addictive
- Adversarial
- Adverse
- Adynamic: Not dynamic
- Afraid
- Aggressive
- Agonizing
- Agonizing
- Ailing
- Aimless
- Alarming
- Alcoholic
- Alienated
- Aloof
- Amoral
- Anarchism
- Anemic
- Angry
- Animated
- Annoying
- Antagonistic
- Antinational
- Antiquated
- Anti-social
- Apathetic
- Apocalyptic
- Apprehensive
- Argumentative
- Arrogant
- Artificial
- Artless
- Ashamed
- Asinine
- Aspiring
- Atrocious
- Avaricious: Very greedy for wealth or possessions
- Awkward
Adjectives that start with A to describe a person
- Abandoned
- Abiding
- Able
- Able-bodied
- Abnormal
- Abrasive
- Abrupt
- Absent
- Absentminded
- Absorbed
- Abstracted
- Absurd
- Abusive
- Accepting
- Accessible
- Acclaimed
- Accommodating
- Accompanying
- Accomplished
- Accountable
- Accurate
- Accused
- Acknowledged
- Acrid
- Acrobatic
- Active
- Activistic
- Adamant
- Adaptable
- Adaptive
- Addicted
- Adequate
- Admirable
- Admired
- Adolescent
- Adopted
- Adoptive
- Adorable
- Adoring
- Adroit
- Adult
- Adventuresome
- Adventurous
- Affable
- Affable
- Affectionate
- Afraid
- Ageless
- Aggravated
- Aggressive
- Agitated
- Agreeable
- Airsick
- Alarmed
- Alert
- Alien
- Alive
- All-around
- Alleged
- Alone
- Aloof
- Amazed
- Amazing
- Ambidextrous: Being able to use the right and left hands with equal ease
- Ambitious
- Ambulatory
- Amenable
- American
- Amiable
- Amicable
- Amused
- Amusing
- Ancient
- Anemic
- Angelic
- Angry
- Animated
- Annoyed
- Annoying
- Anonymous
- Another
- Antagonistic: Showing hostility or dislike to something or someone
- Antisocial
- Antsy: Agitated, impatient
- Anxious
- Apathetic
- Apologetic
- Appealing
- Appreciative
- Apprehensive
- Approachable
- Appropriate
- Approving
- Ardent
- Argumentative
- Aristocratic
- Arresting
- Arrogant
- Articulate
- Artistic
- Artless
- Ashamed
- Aspiring
- Assertive
- Assured
- Assuring
- Astonished
- Astounded
- Astute
- athletic
- Atrocious
- Attentive
- Attractive
- Atypical: Unusual, untypical
- Auspicious
- Australian
- Austrian
- Authentic
- Authoritarian
- Authoritative
- Available
- Avant-garde: New experimental methods and ideas
- Average
- Avid
- Avoidable
- Awake
- Aware
- Awesome
- Awful
- Awkward
- Awless
- Azure: Bright sky blue

Adjective example sentences
- Melony is an adorable child.
- The absentminded professor forgot to attend the meeting.
- She is married to an American man.
- She is not only an attentive student but also a fantastic performer.
- He’s an affectionate man.
- He possesses an attractive personality.
- His aggressive nature brought him nothing but shame.
- His assuring words allowed me to have a good night’s sleep.
- We are law-abiding citizens.
- The aromatic candles won our hearts.
- The airplane landed before our astonished eyes.
- It was a great pleasure to hold a feast during this auspicious occasion.
- There is not any shade near the house.
- The Australian team won the prestigious tournament.
- The appalling stench drove people away from their homes.
- The azure sea relaxed the mind.
- I have a long list of awful movies that I will never watch.
- His artistic mind helped him attain popularity.
- The approachable branch manager made the customers happy with his behavior.
- He was an avid cricket fan.
- Her ambitious nature suited the job.
- The amusing party games kept everyone cheerful.
- The persons angelic face hid his true intentions.
- The elders were appreciative of her support.
- The writer’s animated face impressed the audience as he read out his story.
- It was an awkward moment for everyone.
- The villagers made several abortive attempts to divert flood water into the river.
- His astounding debt surprised the world.
- A few anxious moments passed before the results were declared.
- I was awestruck by the azure kingfisher.
- The appetizing smell of freshly baked bread made me feel hungry.
- The agonizing blisters left him with excruciating pain.
- The aforesaid points prove their innocence.
- Christopher is an ambitious lawyer.
- They were unable to pay the additional charges.
- You seem happy about your adorable partner.
- He never disappoints his ardent fans.
- We hope that they can reach an amicable agreement.
- The atrocious colors of his outfit shocked everyone.
- His astronomical salary is difficult to compete with.
Whether it’s an awkward situation, an angry person, or an arid region, adjectives starting with A are essential to make conversations and written pieces more interesting. We hope this list of adjectives starting with A will help your expressions become more eloquent.
Adjectives that start with A (images)

Other adjective lists
Other lists of adjectives:
- Adjectives that start with A
- Adjectives that start with B
- Adjectives that start with C
- Adjectives that start with D
- Adjectives that start with E
- Adjectives that start with F
- Adjectives that start with G
- Adjectives that start with H
- Adjectives that start with I
- Adjectives that start with J
- Adjectives that start with K
- Adjectives that start with L
- Adjectives that start with M
- Adjectives that start with N
- Adjectives that start with O
- Adjectives that start with P
- Adjectives that start with Q
- Adjectives that start with R
- Adjectives that start with S
- Adjectives that start with T
- Adjectives that start with U
- Adjectives that start with V
- Adjectives that start with W
- Adjectives that start with X
- Adjectives that start with Y
- Adjectives that start with Z
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Core lessons
- Abstract Noun
- Accusative Case
- Anecdote
- Antonym
- Active Sentence
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Adjective Clause
- Adjective Phrase
- Ampersand
- Anastrophe
- Adverbial Clause
- Appositive Phrase
- Clause
- Compound Adjective
- Complex Sentence
- Compound Words
- Compound Predicate
- Common Noun
- Comparative Adjective
- Comparative and Superlative
- Compound Noun
- Compound Subject
- Compound Sentence
- Copular Verb
- Collective Noun
- Colloquialism
- Conciseness
- Consonance
- Conditional
- Concrete Noun
- Conjunction
- Conjugation
- Conditional Sentence
- Comma Splice
- Correlative Conjunction
- Coordinating Conjunction
- Coordinate Adjective
- Cumulative Adjective
- Dative Case
- Determiner
- Declarative Sentence
- Declarative Statement
- Direct Object Pronoun
- Direct Object
- Diction
- Diphthong
- Dangling Modifier
- Demonstrative Pronoun
- Demonstrative Adjective
- Direct Characterization
- Definite Article
- Doublespeak
- False Dilemma Fallacy
- Future Perfect Progressive
- Future Simple
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect
- First Conditional
- Irregular Adjective
- Irregular Verb
- Imperative Sentence
- Indefinite Article
- Intransitive Verb
- Introductory Phrase
- Indefinite Pronoun
- Indirect Characterization
- Interrogative Sentence
- Intensive Pronoun
- Inanimate Object
- Indefinite Tense
- Infinitive Phrase
- Interjection
- Intensifier
- Infinitive
- Indicative Mood
- Participle
- Parallelism
- Prepositional Phrase
- Past Simple Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Progressive Tense
- Present Simple Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Personal Pronoun
- Personification
- Persuasive Writing
- Parallel Structure
- Phrasal Verb
- Predicate Adjective
- Predicate Nominative
- Phonetic Language
- Plural Noun
- Punctuation
- Punctuation Marks
- Preposition
- Preposition of Place
- Parts of Speech
- Possessive Adjective
- Possessive Determiner
- Possessive Case
- Possessive Noun
- Proper Adjective
- Proper Noun
- Present Participle
- Prefix
- Predicate