In English grammar, adjectives are a way to add more details to a noun or pronoun. In doing so, an adjective modifies the pronoun and noun, making it more meaningful. If you are looking for adjectives which begin with the letter “P” this article is for you. Towards the end, you will also find some examples on how to use these adjectives in simple sentences.
Continue reading to learn all the adjectives that begin with the letter “P.”
List of adjectives that start with P
For starters, here is a general list of adjectives which begin with the letter “P”. They are sorted in a descending order for your reference:
- Puzzling
- Puzzled
- Putrid
- Pushy
- Purring
- Purposefully
- Purple
- Pure
- Puny
- Pungent
- Punctual
- Punchy
- Pumped
- Puffy
- Public
- Psychotic
- Psychic
- Psychedelic
- Prudish
- Prudent
- Provocative
- Proverbial
- Proud
- Prosperous
- Prophetic
- Proper
- Promiscuous
- Prominent
- Progressive
- Profuse
- Proficient
- Productive
- Probable
- Private
- Pristine
- Pricy
- Priceless
- Pretty
- Pretentious
- Presumptuous
- Present
- Preoccupied
- Premium
- Pregnant
- Preferable
- Preeminent
- Predictable
- Precocious
- Precise
- Practical
- Powerless
- Powerful
- Potent
- Possible
- Positive
- Portuguese
- Portly
- Popular
- Poor
- Pompous
- Political
- Polite
- Poised
- Pointless
- Poignant
- Poetic
- Plush
- Plodding
- Pleasingly
- Pleasing
- Pleased
- Pleasant
- Playful
- Plausible
- Plastic
- Pink
- Pickled
- Physical
- Photogenic
- Phobic
- Petulant
- Petrified
- Pesky
- Personal
- Personable
- Persistent
- Perplexing
- Perpetual
- Permissive
- Perfect
- Pendulous
- Peaceful
- Pastel
- Passive
- Parsimonious
- Parched
- Paranormal
- Parallel
- Pale
- Painful
Descriptive adjectives that start with P
A descriptive adjective can be used to describe a place, object or emotion. It will tell you about the features or characteristics of inanimate nouns.
Here are some general descriptive adjectives which begin with the letter “P” –
- Polite
- Pierced
- Proficient
- Pacific
- Peculiar
- Pretty
- Patriotic
- Passionate
- Pagan
- Participative
Adjectives which describe a place
- Polluted
- Prohibited
- Perfect
- Peaceful
- Prominent
- Priceless
- Perfect
- Pleasant
- Plush
- Particular
- Paramount
Adjectives which describe an emotion
- Playful
- Placid
- Panicky
- Petty
- Pleased
- Pensive
- Prideful
- Proud
- Petulant
- Perturbed
Positive adjectives that start with P
- Purposeful
- Pure
- Punctual
- Punctilious
- Prudent
- Provocative
- Proud
- Prompt
- Promising
- Prominent
- Prolific
- Profuse
- Productive
- Proactive
- Privileged
- Pristine
- Principled
- Primed
- Prime
- Primal
- Prevailing
- Present
- Prepared
- Premium
- Premier
- Preferred
- Preferable
- Preeminent
- Predominant
- Precise
- Precious
- Praiseworthy
- Pragmatic
- Practiced
- Practical
- Powerful
- Potential
- Potent
- Possible
- Positive
- Posh
- Popular
- Polite
- Polished
- Poised
- Poignant
- Poetic
- Plush
- Plus
- Plucky
- Pliable
- Plenty
- Plentiful
- Plenteous
- Pleasurable
- Pleasing
- Pleased
- Pleasant
- Playful
- Plausible
- Placid
- Pivotal
- Piquant
- Pious
- Pioneering
- Pilot
- Picturesque
- Picked
- Philosophical
- Philanthropic
- Phenomenal
- Petite
- Pet
- Pertinent
- Persuasive
- Perspective
- Personable
- Persistent
- Persevering
- Perseverant
- Permissive
- Permanent
- Perky
- Perfect
- Perceptive
- Peppy
- Penetrating
- Peachy
- Peaceful
- Peaceable
- Patient
- Paternal
- Passionate
- Partisan
- Particular
- Participative
- Parental
- Paramount
- Palpable
- Palatial
Negative adjectives that start with P
- Puzzling
- Punky
- Pungent
- Pudgy
- Prying
- Preoccupied
- Predatory
- Portly
- Poisonous
- Plunderous
- Pleasureless
- Pigheaded
- Piggish
- Piddling
- Petulant
- Pessimistic
- Pesky
- Perverted
- Perverse
- Perturbing
- Perturbed
- Persnickety
- Perplexing
- Perplexed
- Pernicious
- Perjurious
- Perishable
- Perilous
- Penniless
- Peevish
- Peeved
- Pedestrian
- Pedantic
- Peculiar
- Patronizing
- Pathological
- Pathetic
- Patchy
- Past
- Passive
- Particular
- Partial
- Parsimonious
- Parched
- Parasitic
- Paranormal
- Paranoid
- Panicky
- Pampered
- Paltry
- Palpable
- Pallid
- Pale
- Painstaking
- Painful
- Padded
Adjectives that start with P to describe a person
- Punctured
- Punctual
- Proper
- Prominent
- Proficient
- Pristine
- Prim
- Pretty
- Present
- Prepared
- Precise
- Practiced
- Powerful
- Potbellied
- Portuguese
- Popular
- Poorly
- Poor
- Polynesian
- Political
- Polite
- Polished
- Plump
- Pliable
- Plain
- Pivotal
- Pimply
- Pimpled
- Pierced
- Photogenic
- Philippine
- Philanthropic
- Phenomenal
- Petite
- Pet
- Peruvian
- Personalized
- Persian
- Perpetual
- Perfect
- Peerless
- Peculiar
- Peaked
- Paunchy
- Patient
- Paternal
- Pasty
- Paramount
- Pakistani
- Painted
Personality adjectives which begin with P
- Puzzling
- Puzzled
- Purposeful
- Prying
- Proud
- Protective
- Principled
- Potent
- Possessive
- Positive
- Pompous
- Polished
- Poignant
- Poetic
- Plucky
- Pleasing
- Pleased
- Pleasant
- Playful
- Pithy
- Pissed
- Pious
- Picky
- Philosophical
- Petulant
- Pessimistic
- Perverse
- Perturbing
- Perturbed
- Personable
- Persistent
- Persevering
- Perplexing
- Perplexed
- Perky
- Pensive
- Peevish
- Peeved
- Peckish
- Peaceful
- Peaceable
- Patronizing
- Patient
- Passive
- Passionate
- Partisan
- Particular
- Panicky
- Panicked
- Pacifist
Some less common adjectives which begin with P
- Patriarchal
- Preachy
- Patchy
- Peeved
- Pelagic
- Pedantic
- Putrid
- Phobic
- Petrified
- Palpable
Adjectives which start with P, followed by vowels
Adjectives which begin with Pa
- Patterned
- Patronizing
- Patronal
- Patristic
- Patriotic
- Patrimonial
- Patrilineal
- Patrician
- Patriarchal
- Patient
- Pathological
- Pathless
- Pathetic
- Patentable
- Patent
- Patchy
- Pasty
- Pastoral
- Past-life
- Pastel
- Past
- Passive
- Passionless
- Passionate
- Passing
- Passerine
- Passable
- Paschal
- Party
- Part-time
- Partisan
- Particular
- Participial
- Participatory
- Participative
- Partible
- Partial
- Parrot-like
- Parricidal
- Parotid
- Parochial
- Parlous
- Parking
- Parietal
- Parenthetic
- Parenteral
- Parental
- Parenchymal
- Paregoric
- Pardonable
- Parched
- Parathyroid
- Parasitical
- Parasitic
- Paraplegic
- Paraphyletic
- Paranoid
- Paranoiac
- Paramount
- Paramilitary
- Parametric
- Paramedical
- Paralytic
- Paralympic
- Paralogous
- Parallel
- Paracrine
- Parabolic
- Papuan
- Pappy
- Papist
- Papillary
- Papery
- Paperless
- Papal
- Pantomimic
- Pantheistic
- Panoramic
- Panicky
- Panicked
- Pandemic
- Panchromatic
- Pampered
- Paly
- Paltry
- Palpable
- Pallid
- Palliative
- Palladian
- Palindromic
- Pale
- Palatine
- Palatial
- Palatal
- Palatable
- Painted
- Painstaking
- Painless
- Painkilling
- Painful
- Pagan
- Padded
- Pacifist
- Pacific
Adjectives which begin with Pe
- Petty
- Pettish
- Petrified
- Petitionary
- Petite
- Pet
- Pestilential
- Pestilent
- Pestiferous
- Pestering
- Pessimistic
- Pesky
- Perverted
- Perverse
- Pervasive
- Peruvian
- Perturbing
- Perturbed
- Pertinent
- Pert
- Persuasive
- Perspicuous
- Perspicacious
- Perspective
- Perspectival
- Person-to-person
- Personalized
- Personal
- Personable
- Persian
- Perplexing
- Perplexed
- Pernicious
- Permissive
- Permissible
- Permeable
- Permanent
- Perky
- Perivascular
- Peritoneal
- Peristaltic
- Perishable
- Peripheral
- Peripatetic
- Periodontal
- Periodical
- Periodic
- Period
- Perinatal
- Perilous
- Pericardial
- Perianal
- Perfumed
- Perforated
- Perforate
- Perfidious
- Perfective
- Perfectible
- Perfect
- Perennial
- Peremptory
- Percussive
- Percipient
- Perceptive
- Perceptible
- Perceivable
- Peptic
- Peppy
- Peppery
- Penurious
- Penultimate
- Pent-up
- Pentatonic
- Pentagonal
- Pensive
- Pensionable
- Penniless
- Penitential
- Penitent
- Peninsular
- Penile
- Penetrative
- Penetrating
- Penetrable
- Pendulous
- Pendent
- Penal
- Pelagic
- Peeved
- Peerless
- Peep-toe
- Pediatric
- Pedestrian
- Pedantic
- Peculiar
- Pectoral
- Pea-sized
- Pear-shaped
- Pearly
- Peaky
- Peaked
- Peachy
- Peaceful
- Peaceable
Adjectives which begin with Ph
- Physiologic
- Physical
- Phyletic
- Phreatic
- Photometric
- Photographic
- Phony
- Phonic
- Phonetic
- Phonemic
- Phobic
- Philosophical
- Philosophic
- Philological
- Philippine
- Phenomenal
- Phenolic
- Phatic
- Phasic
Adjectives which begin with Pi
- Piteous
- Pitchy
- Pitch-dark
- Pitch-black
- Piss-poor
- Pissed
- Piratical
- Piquant
- Pint-sized
- Pin-striped
- Pinpoint
- Pinky
- Pinkish
- Pink
- Pineal
- Pimpled
- Pilot
- Pigtailed
- Pig-headed
- Piggish
- Piffling
- Pietistic
- Piercing
- Pierced
- Pie-eyed
- Pied
- Piebald
- Piddling
- Pictorial
- Picky
- Pickled
- Picked
Adjectives which begin with Pl
- Plush
- Plus
- Pluralist
- Plural
- Plump
- Plummy
- Plumb
- Plug-in
- Plucky
- Plosive
- Plodding
- Pliant
- Plenty
- Plentiful
- Pleasurable
- Pleasingly
- Pleasing
- Pleased
- Pleasant
- Pleading
- Playful
- Playable
- Platy
- Platonic
- Plastic
- Planned
- Planetary
- Planar
- Plain
- Plaid
- Plaguy
- Placid
Adjectives which begin with Po
- Powerless
- Powerful
- Powdery
- Pouty
- Potty
- Potholed
- Potential
- Potent
- Pot-bellied
- Potbellied
- Potable
- Post-war
- Postural
- Post-punk
- Post-operative
- Postoperative
- Possible
- Possessive
- Positivist
- Positive
- Positional
- Posh
- Posey
- Portly
- Portable
- Porky
- Porcine
- Pop-up
- Populous
- Populist
- Popular
- Poppy
- Popping
- Popish
- Pop-eyed
- Pop
- Poorly
- Poorest
- Poorer
- Poor
- Pontine
- Pontifical
- Ponderous
- Pompous
- Polyvalent
- Polytonal
- Polytheistic
- Polymorphic
- Polymeric
- Polyhedral
- Polygonal
- Polygenic
- Polygamous
- Polycyclic
- Polychrome
- Political
- Politic
- Polite
- Polished
- Polish
- Polemical
- Polar
- Poky
- Pokey
- Poker-faced
- Poisonous
- Poised
- Pointy
- Pointless
- Poetic
- Pocket-size
- Pocked
Adjectives which begin with Pr
- Prussic
- Prudential
- Prudent
- Provocative
- Provisional
- Provincial
- Providential
- Provident
- Proverbial
- Provencal
- Provable
- Proud
- Protectable
- Protean
- Prosy
- Prostrate
- Prosthetic
- Prostatic
- Prosperous
- Prospective
- Prosodic
- Propulsive
- Proprioceptive
- Proprietorial
- Proprietary
- Propositional
- Proportioned
- Proportionate
- Proportional
- Propitious
- Propitiatory
- Propionic
- Prophylactic
- Prophetic
- Propertied
- Proper
- Proof
- Pronounced
- Pronounceable
- Pronominal
- Pronged
- Prone
- Prompt
- Promotional
- Promotable
- Promissory
- Promising
- Promised
- Promiscuous
- Prominent
- Prolific
- Proliferative
- Prokaryotic
- Projective
- Prohibitive
- Progressive
- Programmatic
- Programmable
- Prognostic
- Profuse
- Profound
- Profligate
- Profitless
- Profitable
- Proficient
- Professorial
- Professional
- Professed
- Profane
- Productive
- Procreative
- Procedural
- Probative
- Probable
- Proactive
- Pro
- Prized
- Prize
- Privy
- Privileged
- Privative
- Private
- Pristine
- Prissy
- Prismatic
- Prior
- Printable
- Principled
- Principal
- Princely
- Primitive
- Primed
- Prime
- Primary
- Primal
- Prim
- Pricy
- Prickly
- Pricey
- Priceless
- Pre-war
- Prewar
- Prevocational
- Previous
- Preventive
- Preventative
- Preventable
- Prevalent
- Prevailing
- Pretty
- Pre-trial
- Pretrial
- Pretibial
- Pretentious
- Pretend
- Pre-tax
- Presynaptic
- Presumptive
- Prestigious
- Pressurized
- Pressure-cooker
- Pressing
- Presidential
- Preset
- Pre-service
- Preservative
- Present-day
- Presentable
- Present
- Prescriptive
- Prescient
- Pre-school
- Preschool
- Presbyterian
- Prerequisite
- Pre-release
- Preppy
- Prepositional
- Preponderant
- Preplanned
- Prepared
- Preparatory
- Preparative
- Pre-owned
- Preoperative
- Preoccupied
- Prenominal
- Prenatal
- Premorbid
- Premonitory
- Premium
- Premier
- Premalignant
- Preliminary
- Pre-launch
- Prejudicial
- Prejudiced
- Prehistoric
- Prehensile
- Pregnant
- Preferential
- Preferable
- Prefectural
- Prefatory
- Preemptive
- Predominant
- Predisposed
- Predictive
- Predictable
- Predicative
- Pre-cooked
- Preconscious
- Precocious
- Preclinical
- Precise
- Precipitous
- Precipitate
- Precious
- Precast
- Prebiotic
- Prayerful
- Prandial
- Pragmatic
- Praetorian
- Practiced
- Practical
- Practicable
Adjectives which begin with Ps and Pu
- Puzzling
- Puzzled
- Putrid
- Putative
- Pushy
- Push-pull
- Purulent
- Pursuant
- Purring
- Purposive
- Purposeless
- Purposefully
- Purposeful
- Purported
- Purple
- Purist
- Pure
- Purdy
- Punishable
- Punic
- Pungent
- Punctured
- Punctual
- Punctilious
- Punchy
- Pulpy
- Puffy
- Puerile
- Pudgy
- Public
- Pubic
- Psychic
- Psionic
Example sentences
Here are some examples which will help you to apply adjectives starting with “P” in a sentence:
(Format: Adjective – Sentence)
- Pathetic – The losing team’s efforts were pathetic.
- Patterned – Sheila asked the tailor to stitch a patterned shirt for her.
- Punky – Although John is sweet, he has a punky older brother.
- Perseverant – Her perseverant nature is the reason for her success.
- Pleasurable – We had a pleasurable experience at the new restaurant.
- Plausible – This does not seem to be a plausible explanation.
- Pure – Pure honey is more expensive than store-bought honey.
- Peevish – Kids with peevish nature are punished more often.
- Parched – The land is parched for water this dry season.
- Passive – Susan had a passive approach to the problem.
- Pushy – Her pushy brother convinced her to apply for the job.
- Punctual – As a child he was very punctual.
- Photogenic – Her photogenic face got her the modeling contract.
- Petite – Derik was shocked to see how petite his online date was in real life.
- Professional – You need professional advice on this issue.
- Prohibited – Photography is prohibited in this part of the building.
Adjectives that start with P (images)
Other adjective lists
Other lists of adjectives:
- Adjectives that start with A
- Adjectives that start with B
- Adjectives that start with C
- Adjectives that start with D
- Adjectives that start with E
- Adjectives that start with F
- Adjectives that start with G
- Adjectives that start with H
- Adjectives that start with I
- Adjectives that start with J
- Adjectives that start with K
- Adjectives that start with L
- Adjectives that start with M
- Adjectives that start with N
- Adjectives that start with O
- Adjectives that start with P
- Adjectives that start with Q
- Adjectives that start with R
- Adjectives that start with S
- Adjectives that start with T
- Adjectives that start with U
- Adjectives that start with V
- Adjectives that start with W
- Adjectives that start with X
- Adjectives that start with Y
- Adjectives that start with Z
Inside this article
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Core lessons
- Abstract Noun
- Accusative Case
- Anecdote
- Antonym
- Active Sentence
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Adjective Clause
- Adjective Phrase
- Ampersand
- Anastrophe
- Adverbial Clause
- Appositive Phrase
- Clause
- Compound Adjective
- Complex Sentence
- Compound Words
- Compound Predicate
- Common Noun
- Comparative Adjective
- Comparative and Superlative
- Compound Noun
- Compound Subject
- Compound Sentence
- Copular Verb
- Collective Noun
- Colloquialism
- Conciseness
- Consonance
- Conditional
- Concrete Noun
- Conjunction
- Conjugation
- Conditional Sentence
- Comma Splice
- Correlative Conjunction
- Coordinating Conjunction
- Coordinate Adjective
- Cumulative Adjective
- Dative Case
- Determiner
- Declarative Sentence
- Declarative Statement
- Direct Object Pronoun
- Direct Object
- Diction
- Diphthong
- Dangling Modifier
- Demonstrative Pronoun
- Demonstrative Adjective
- Direct Characterization
- Definite Article
- Doublespeak
- False Dilemma Fallacy
- Future Perfect Progressive
- Future Simple
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect
- First Conditional
- Irregular Adjective
- Irregular Verb
- Imperative Sentence
- Indefinite Article
- Intransitive Verb
- Introductory Phrase
- Indefinite Pronoun
- Indirect Characterization
- Interrogative Sentence
- Intensive Pronoun
- Inanimate Object
- Indefinite Tense
- Infinitive Phrase
- Interjection
- Intensifier
- Infinitive
- Indicative Mood
- Participle
- Parallelism
- Prepositional Phrase
- Past Simple Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Progressive Tense
- Present Simple Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Personal Pronoun
- Personification
- Persuasive Writing
- Parallel Structure
- Phrasal Verb
- Predicate Adjective
- Predicate Nominative
- Phonetic Language
- Plural Noun
- Punctuation
- Punctuation Marks
- Preposition
- Preposition of Place
- Parts of Speech
- Possessive Adjective
- Possessive Determiner
- Possessive Case
- Possessive Noun
- Proper Adjective
- Proper Noun
- Present Participle
- Prefix
- Predicate