Looking for adjectives that start with D? Adjectives are a beautiful way to describe the world around us. They can help us to increase our vocabulary and be more expressive. When you’re looking for adjectives that start with the letter “D,” try the lists below.
What is an adjective? And adjectives that start with D?
We have adjectives in our speech because we use them to describe a noun or pronoun and give more information about it.
So, in simple terms, adjectives are used to answer questions about a specific person/thing.
Grammarians refer to the use of adjectives as modifying nouns and pronouns.
We typically use adjectives when we are trying to convey, quantify or identify something unique about a thing, or a person. For example, “My dog is very brave”/ “The ocean is vast”/ “Her coat is warm”/ “Danny is indecisive”. (Highlighted words, being the adjective)

What are the degrees of adjectives used to compare?
Adjectives usually come in three forms: absolute, comparative, and superlative.
- Absolute adjectives – They describe something that is in its own right. For example- “Tom is a mischievous boy.”
- Comparative adjectives – These adjectives are used to make a comparison between two or more things. For most 1-syllable adjectives, the comparative is formed by adding the suffix -er (or just -r if the adjective already ends with an e). For two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, replace -y with -ier. For multi-syllable adjectives, add the word more. For example- “Sally is more mischievous than Tom”.
- Superlative adjective – They specify that something/someone has the highest degree of the quality that is in question. We add the suffix -est to 1-syllable adjectives that are superlatives (or just -st for adjectives that already end in e). Two-syllable adjectives that end with -y, we can replace -y with -iest. We use “most” for multi-syllable adjectives. For example- “But Harry is the most mischievous of the lot.”
We can list out hundreds of words starting from each letter that can be used as adjectives, here we are going to discuss words that start with the letter “d”.

Here is a list of adjectives that start with the letter “D”
- Daffy
- Daily
- Damaged
- Damaging
- Damp
- Dangerous
- Dapper
- Dark
- Dashing
- Dazzling
- Dead
- Deadpan
- Deafening
- Dear
- Debonair
- Decisive
- Decorous
- Deep
- Deeply
- Defeated
- Defective
- Defiant
- Delicate
- Delicious
- Delightful
- Demonic
- Delirious
- Dependent
- Depressed
- Deranged
- Descriptive
- Deserted
- Detailed
- Determined
- Devilish
- Didactic
- Different
- Difficult
- Diligent
- Direful
- Dirty
- Disagreeable
- Disastrous
- Discreet
- Disgusted
- Disgusting
- Disillusioned
- Dispensable
- Distinct
- Disturbed
- Divergent
- Dizzy
- Domineering
- Doubtful
- Drab
- Draconian
- Dramatic
- Dreary
- Drunk
- Dry
- Dull
- Dusty
- Dusty
- Dynamic
- Dysfunctional
Examples of the use of about 4 words we can use in a sentence as adjectives with their definitions-
- Daffy: means silly or mildly eccentric. “The comedian is known for his daffy behavior and keeps the crowd rolling with his silly skits”.
- Discreet: means careful and prudent with your speech or actions. “She was very discreet when she left the house after bedtime”.
- Deep: This can mean extending down very far from the surface or very intense/extreme. “I didn’t realise the pothole was so deep until I drove into it”.
- Dynamic: means having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm. “I have a very dynamic colleague who has a brilliant imagination.”
Descriptive adjectives that start with “D”
A descriptive adjective is an adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun by describing it or expressing its quality.
Descriptive adjectives can be used either before the nouns or pronouns they modify. They can also be used as the complement of a subject in a sentence after a linking verb.
For example- “The children were playing with the furry sheep.”/ “The meeting was drab.”
Here’s a list of descriptive adjectives:
- Daft
- Deadly
- Debated
- Decadent
- Definitive
- Diabetic
- Diabolic
- Diagonal
- Dietetic
- Different
- Differential
- Difficult
- Diffuse
- Digital
- Dilated
- Diluted
- Dim
- Dimensional
- Dimensioned
- Dire
- Directive
- Directory
- Disadvantaged
- Disallowable
- Disappointed
- Disappointing
- Disarming
- Discarnate
- Deceptive
- Discerning
- Disciplinarian
- Discomfit
- Discontent
- Discontinuous
- Disinterested
- Disparate
- Displayed
- Distinct
- Docile
- Doddering
- Dogged
- Doleful
- Doltish
- Domesticated
- Done
- Donor
- Doomed
- Doorless
- Dormant
- Dorsal
- Double
- Dour
- Down
- Downright
- Downtrodden
- Drab
- Draconian
- Draft
- Drastic
- Dreadful
- Dreamless
- Dressy
- Dried
- Driving
- Drunk
- Drunken
- Dryer
- Drying
- Dual
- Dubious
- Dull
- Duller
- Duplicate
- Dusk
- Dying
Examples of the use of about 5 descriptive adjectives that we can use in a sentence, with their definitions-
- Dire: is an adjective that is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is. For eg; “She lost her home to a landslide, she is in dire need of financial aid.”
- Decadent: reflects a state of moral or cultural decline. For example, “They reflected a socially unjust and decadent regime.”
- Docile: ready to accept control or instruction- submissive. For example- “The horse was very docile, he let me ride him with no trouble .”
- Discerning: Having insight or understanding. “My sister is incapable of discerning what’s right and wrong.”
- Draconian: extremely harsh or severe. “These draconian laws will not be acceptable in any other country!”
Positive adjectives that start with D
These adjectives describe something/someone/ a situation in a positive light.
- Dancing
- Dapper
- Daring
- Dashing
- Dawning
- Dear
- Debonair
- Debuting
- Decent
- Decided
- Deciding
- Decisive
- Decontaminating
- Decorative
- Decorous
- Dedicated
- Defender
- Defensible
- Definite
- Definitive
- Definitive
- Deft
- Delectable
- Delicious
- Delighted
- Delightful
- Deluxe
- Demonstrative
- Demulcent
- Demure
- Dependable
- Deserving
- Desired
- Detailed
- Determinate
- Developed
- Developing
- Devoted
- Devotional
- Dexterous
- Diamond
- Diffuse
- Dignified
- Dilatory
- Diligent
- Direct
- Disarming
- Disciplined
- Discovered
- Discreet
- Distinctive
- Diverse
- Divine
- Doable
- Dominant
- Doting
- Doubtless
- Dream
- Dressy
- Driven
Examples of the use of about 4 positive adjectives along with their definitions-
- Dapper describes someone (usually male) who has a very neat and clean appearance and looks smart. For example- “Roland looked dapper in his suit last night.”
- Diligent: having a quality of showing care and conscientiousness. For example- “We have to be diligent when it comes to caring for our newborn.”
- Demure: describes a quality like being reserved, modest, and shy (usually used to describe a woman). For example, “Helen is demure and charming.”
- Dexterous: very skillful and clever with your hands. “As people get older, they become less dextrous with their hands.”
Negative adjectives that start with D
These adjectives describe something/someone/ a situation in a negative light.
- Damaged
- Damaging
- Damp
- Daunting
- Dawdling
- Dazed
- Dead
- Deadly
- Deaf
- Deafening
- Debatable
- Decadent
- Decayed
- Decaying
- Deceptive
- Declining
- Decreasing
- Defamatory
- Defeated
- Defective
- Defenceless
- Deformed
- Degenerative
- Degraded
- Dejected
- Delirious
- Deluded
- Demanding
- Demented
- Deplorable
- Deploring
- Depraved
- Deprived
- Deranged
- Derogatory
- Despairing
- Desperate
- Despicable
- Despised
- Despondent
- Destroyed
- Detestable
- Detrimental
- Devastated
- Devastating
- Devious
- Difficult
- Digressive
- Dilapidated
- Diminishing
- Diminutive
- Disabled
- Disaffected
- Disagreeable
- Disappearing
- Disappointing
- Disapproving
- Disastrous
- Discouraged
- Disdainful
- Diseased
- Disgusted
- Disgusting
- Disliked
- Disorderly
- Displeased
- Disproved
- Disputed
- Disreputable
- Disrespectful
- Distasteful
- Domineering
- Doubtful
- Dreaded
- Dubious
Examples of the use of about 3 words we can use in a sentence as positive adjectives with their definitions:
- Depraved: means morally corrupt or wicked. For example- “That man acted with depraved indifference towards human suffering.”
- Distasteful: means causing aversion or dislike, something/someone disagreeable or unpleasant. For example- “She made some distasteful remarks about people who struggle to earn enough money.”
- Deplorable: strong condemnation/completely unacceptable/ shockingly bad or negative. For example- “Some of the houses the real estate agent showed me were in deplorable condition.”
Adjectives that start with D to describe a person
- Damaged
- Damp
- Dandy
- Dangerous
- Danish
- Daring
- Dashing
- Dauntless
- Dazzling
- Dead
- Dear
- Debonair
- Decaying
- Decent
- Decisive
- Decorous
- Decrepit
- Dedicated
- Deep
- Defeated
- Defence
- Defiant
- Deformed
- Deft
- Dehydrated
- Delicate
- Delightful
- Demonstrative
- Delinquent
- Democrat
- Demonic
- Dependent
- Designer
- Detectable
- Dexterous
- Different
- Difficult
- Diminishing
- Diminutive
- Dirty
- Disarmed
- Discarded
- Disgusting
- Dishevelled
- Dismal
- Dispensable
- Distant
- Distinct
- Diverted
- Divine
- Domestic
- Dour
- Dowdy
- Down
- Drab
- Drained
- Dreaded
- Dreamy
- Drenched
- Dressed
- Dried
- Driving
- Drooping
- Droopy
- Drugged
- Drunk
- Dry
- Drying
- Dual
- Dubious
- Dumb
- Dusty
- Dutch
- Dwarfish
Examples of the use of about 3 adjectives we can use in a sentence to describe a person along with their definition.
- Delightful: meaning very pleasant or charming. For example- “Gordon has a delightful personality.”
- Distinct: meaning recognizably different from something else of a similar type. For example- “She has a distinct Scottish accent when she speaks, doesn’t she?.”
- Dowdy: unfashionable/ unpleasant/unfashionable way of dressing typically. For example- “The clothes I was wearing were too dowdy for the popular kids, but I didn’t care about their opinions.”
Adjectives that start with “D” (images)

Other adjective lists
Other lists of adjectives:
- Adjectives that start with A
- Adjectives that start with B
- Adjectives that start with C
- Adjectives that start with D
- Adjectives that start with E
- Adjectives that start with F
- Adjectives that start with G
- Adjectives that start with H
- Adjectives that start with I
- Adjectives that start with J
- Adjectives that start with K
- Adjectives that start with L
- Adjectives that start with M
- Adjectives that start with N
- Adjectives that start with O
- Adjectives that start with P
- Adjectives that start with Q
- Adjectives that start with R
- Adjectives that start with S
- Adjectives that start with T
- Adjectives that start with U
- Adjectives that start with V
- Adjectives that start with W
- Adjectives that start with X
- Adjectives that start with Y
- Adjectives that start with Z
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Core lessons
- Abstract Noun
- Accusative Case
- Anecdote
- Antonym
- Active Sentence
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Adjective Clause
- Adjective Phrase
- Ampersand
- Anastrophe
- Adverbial Clause
- Appositive Phrase
- Clause
- Compound Adjective
- Complex Sentence
- Compound Words
- Compound Predicate
- Common Noun
- Comparative Adjective
- Comparative and Superlative
- Compound Noun
- Compound Subject
- Compound Sentence
- Copular Verb
- Collective Noun
- Colloquialism
- Conciseness
- Consonance
- Conditional
- Concrete Noun
- Conjunction
- Conjugation
- Conditional Sentence
- Comma Splice
- Correlative Conjunction
- Coordinating Conjunction
- Coordinate Adjective
- Cumulative Adjective
- Dative Case
- Determiner
- Declarative Sentence
- Declarative Statement
- Direct Object Pronoun
- Direct Object
- Diction
- Diphthong
- Dangling Modifier
- Demonstrative Pronoun
- Demonstrative Adjective
- Direct Characterization
- Definite Article
- Doublespeak
- False Dilemma Fallacy
- Future Perfect Progressive
- Future Simple
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Perfect
- First Conditional
- Irregular Adjective
- Irregular Verb
- Imperative Sentence
- Indefinite Article
- Intransitive Verb
- Introductory Phrase
- Indefinite Pronoun
- Indirect Characterization
- Interrogative Sentence
- Intensive Pronoun
- Inanimate Object
- Indefinite Tense
- Infinitive Phrase
- Interjection
- Intensifier
- Infinitive
- Indicative Mood
- Participle
- Parallelism
- Prepositional Phrase
- Past Simple Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Progressive Tense
- Present Simple Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Personal Pronoun
- Personification
- Persuasive Writing
- Parallel Structure
- Phrasal Verb
- Predicate Adjective
- Predicate Nominative
- Phonetic Language
- Plural Noun
- Punctuation
- Punctuation Marks
- Preposition
- Preposition of Place
- Parts of Speech
- Possessive Adjective
- Possessive Determiner
- Possessive Case
- Possessive Noun
- Proper Adjective
- Proper Noun
- Present Participle
- Prefix
- Predicate