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Big List of Positive Words That Start With K (Long, Short, Descriptive)

Looking for positive words that start with J? You can completely change the tone of what you are writing with the use of the right words. Having a positive tone in your writing or knowing such words can help you add more color to your lives. We have compiled all the positive words you can find beginning with the letter J.

These words can help make your life more pleasant. We have put together lists of positive short and long words which all start with the letter J. We also have lists of adjectives, nouns, and verbs that begin with J. You can understand and learn the meaning and use of these words here. You can also find some example sentences to give you an idea of how to use them!

Positive words that start with J
Positive words that start with J

Positive words that start with J

J is not a very commonly used letter, and you may find it hard to get all the words that begin with J. Don’t worry! We have you covered! Here are all the positive words that begin with the letter J:

Positive adjectives that begin with J:

  • Jaunty
  • Jolly
  • Jocular
  • Justified
  • Just
  • Jovial
  • Judicious
  • Joyful
  • Juicy
  • Jubilant

Positive nouns that begin with J:

  • Jubilee
  • Jig
  • Jamboree
  • Joy
  • Jewel
  • Journey
  • Jiffy
  • Joke
  • Jingle

Positive verbs that begin with J:

  • Jaw
  • Jumpstart
  • Jazz
  • Juxtapose
  • Jest
  • Josh
  • Jibe
  • Journal
  • Join

Short positive words that start with J

Now that we have seen most of the positive words you can find starting with J, let’s check out their meanings. Here is a list of all the short positive words that begin with J:


The Cambridge Dictionary describes “Just” as something that happened very recently. The word can also have the meaning of something being fair or equal.


The word “Jig” means to move in a lively or jerky manner. A jig is also a device that is used for fishing in the water.


Merrian Webster describes “Joy” as a feeling of great happiness or delight.


A “joke” is defined as a clever trick or tale. Jokes can make people laugh.


The Cambridge dictionary describes the word “Jaw” as the bottom part of your face that moves whenever you open your mouth.


The Collins English Dictionary describes “Jazz” as a fun and rhythmic music style. It was discovered and used by African-Americans as early as the 20th century.


A “Jest” is defined as any joking phrase or remark. It is used to mock or make fun of something.


The word “Josh” means taking part in a joke or bantering activity.


The word “Jibe” means to agree with something.


The word “Join” has the meaning of connecting two things or bringing two things together.

Long positive words that start with J

We now know the meanings of many short words that start with J! But what about some of these more complicated words? Let’s get into it!


The Cambridge Dictionary describes the word “Justified” as doing something with a good reason or justification in mind.


The word “Judicious” means deciding with sound judgment.


The word “Jubilant” means feeling or experiencing great triumph and happiness.


A “Jubilee” describes a unique anniversary of an event and the celebrations associated with it.


A “Jamboree” is a largescale event that several people attend.


The word “Jumpstart” refers to giving something extra help to make it start or move in a better way.


The word “Juxtapose” means putting certain things side by side to compare and contrast them.

Positive verbs that start with J (with meanings)

Now we know the meanings of many words that start with J. Verbs are phrases that describe an event, an act, or a condition of being.

There must be a verb in almost every statement. Let’s look at the meanings of the positive verbs that begin with the letter J – Jaw, Jumpstart, Jazz, Juxtapose, Jest, Josh, Jibe, Journal, and Join.


The word “Journal” means to record or write your feelings and experiences regularly.

We’ve already seen the meanings of the other positive verbs that start with J.

Positive adjectives that start with J (with meanings)

An adjective is a term that typically alters or characterizes the subject of a noun. They define any quality. Its semantic function is to modify the data the noun provides.

Let’s look at the meanings of the positive adjectives that start with the letter J – Jaunty, Jolly, Jocular, Justified, Just, Jovial, Judicious, Joyful, Juicy, and Jubilant.


The word “Jaunty” means anything that has the appearance of being cheerful and happy.


Merriam-Webster describes the word “Jolly” as someone experiencing a lot of happiness or high spirits.


The word “Jocular” refers to anyone who likes to make a lot of jokes.


The word “Jovial” means having a cheerful, pleasant, and happy mannerism.


The term “Joyful” means someone very happy.


The word “Juicy” is something very interesting to listen to. It also means a fruit or vegetable that is moist and filled with juice. This is considered to be a good sign of healthy fruits and vegetables.

Positive nouns that start with J (with meanings)

A noun is a term used to name a specific person, location, or item or to distinguish any member of a category of these. Let’s look at some of the positive nouns that begin with the letter J – Jubilee, Jig, Jamboree, Joy, Jewel, Journey, Jiffy, Joke, and Jingle.


The word “Jewel” means a gem in literal terms. Figuratively, it means something amazing.


The word “Journey” refers to an excursion or a trip. It can also mean a step taken toward a goal.


The word “Jiffy” refers to a very quick time frame.


A “Jingle” is a lively and fun melody.

Cool words that start with J

Now let’s look at some unusual and cool positive words that begin with J!


A “Jacana” is a tropical bird that has lengthy toes.


“Jacinthe” is a bright orangish shade.


A “Jambeau” is a special armor you can wear on your legs.


A “Jutty” is a part of a wall that stands out.

Positive words that start with J to describe a person

Some positive words that begin with J which can be used to describe a person are:

  • Jaunty
  • Jolly
  • Jocular
  • Justified
  • Just
  • Jovial
  • Judicious
  • Joyful
  • Juicy
  • Jubilant

Example sentences using positive words that start with J

Now we know most of the positive words in the English language that start with the letter J. Let’s see some examples of these words in sentences:

  • “She sang a jaunty tune”
  • “My daughter is a very jolly little girl”
  • “I felt like I was justified in my anger against the Judge”
  • “But I just saw her!”
  • “I wanted to be jovial about the whole situation”
  • “I felt as if I had never been this joyful before”
  • “The tomato was ripe and juicy
  • “We danced all night to the happy jig
  • “With her, I experienced joy for the first time in my life”
  • “The actress had on the most exquisite jewel around her neck”
  • “The journey was lovely”
  • “No one laughed at my joke except the clown”
  • “The happy jingle made me feel better”
  • “The shark opened its jaw
  • “It’s not fair! He had a jumpstart!” She cried
  • “We’re going to a jazz club! Are you coming?”
  • “Surely you jest!”
  • “I can’t believe she read my journal!”
  • “Won’t you join us?”
  • “We are celebrating our silver jubilee
  • “Mom! Dad! I think I saw a Jacana over there!”


Once you have been through this article, you will know most of the words commonly used in the English language which begin with the letter J. If you want to set a particularly pleasant and cheerful tone to your writing, you can use these words.

So go ahead and start writing with the help of these beautiful words! You can also combine two or three of them to form a positive alliteration. Since you may find it hard to spontaneously think of fun and positive words that begin with J, you can refer to this article to get new ideas!

Positive words that start with J (images)

Positive words that start with J
Positive words that start with J

Other positive word lists

Other lists of positive words:


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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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