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What is the Plural Form of “Status?” (Statuses and Status Examples)

What is the plural form of the word “status?” Is it “statuses?” Or “status’?” Where does the apostrophe go when we are referring to more than one status? This is a confusing word form to pluralize since it takes on multiple possessions. For example, “statuses” is often used as the correct plural form of “status.” Although, “status” when put into the proper context, can also be a plural form.

Learn everything you need to know about pluralizing this word form in this short guide.

Why is the plural form of “status” confusing?

Words that end in -s are often confusing to pluralize and to show possession. Often, these words get a -es added to them or have an apostrophe with no additional “s” letter added to the end of the word form.

Which is correct, “status” or “statuses?”

When referring to the plural form of the word “status,” the common and correct form the word would take is “statuses.” Although, remember that depending on the context of the sentence, both word forms are considered correct: status and statuses.

For example, “How many status updates have we received from the staff in total?” In this sentence, we are still referring to something as having multiple statuses.

In another example, “There were about 231 statuses that we received from the members of the staff throughout the work day.” This is another example of a sentence where “statuses” is referring to the base form “status” as having many statuses.

Sentence examples using “statuses”

Here are sentence examples using the word “statuses”

  • Did you get all of the statuses of the people located out in the field tonight?
  • How many statuses did we receive in total?

Sentence examples using “status” in plural form

Here are sentence examples using the word “status” in plural form

  • We got a submission of about 120 status from the members of the staff.
  • In the field we received status from around 700 people.

How to use the apostrophe correctly

The possessive singular noun is made by adding an apostrophe and the letter “s” to the singular noun in question, regardless of whether the singular noun ends in an “s” letter.

When a plural noun has an “s” at the end, the possessive form of the noun is created by simply adding an apostrophe. When the noun ends in any other letter, the possessive form is made by adding both an apostrophe and an “s.”

Singular nounSarah’s
Plural nounWomen’s
2 or more peopleKim and Adam’s
Singular noun ending in “s”James’s and James’
Plural noun ending in “s”Parent’s
2+ peopleKim’s and Adam’s
Apostrophe for PossessivesApostrophe for Contractions
Amy’s swim classthey + have = they’ve
Karen’s carare + not = aren’t
Robert’s vehiclethey + will = they’ll
Singular NounPlural Noun
My child’s dogMy children’s dog
The man’s workThe men’s work
The mouses’ cageThe mice’s cage
A person’s clothesPeople’s clothes
Plural Noun RuleExample or Exception
To make regular nouns plural, add ‑s to the end.Cats, Houses
If the singular noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add ‑es to the end to make it plural.Bus / Busses, Tax / Taxes
In some instances, singular nouns ending in -s or -z, require that you double the -s or -z prior to adding the -es for pluralization.Gas / Gasses
If the noun ends with ‑f or ‑fe, the f is often changed to ‑ve before adding the -s to form the plural version.Wife / wives
Roof / Roofs
Chef / Chefs
If a singular noun ends in ‑y and the letter before the -y is a consonant, change the ending to ‑ies to make the noun plural.City / Cities
If the singular noun ends in -y and the letter before the -y is a vowel, simply add an -s to make it plural.Boy / Boys
If the singular noun ends in ‑o, add ‑es to make it plural.Tomato / Tomatoes
Photo / Photos
If the singular noun ends in ‑us, the plural ending is often ‑i.Cactus / Cacti
If the singular noun ends in ‑is, the plural ending is ‑es.Ellipsis / Ellipses
If the singular noun ends in ‑on, the plural ending is ‑a.Criterion / Criteria
Some nouns don’t change when they’re pluralized.Sheep / Sheep
Deer / Deer

Possessive Nouns and Plural Posessive Nouns FAQs

Can an apostrophe and an “s” together represent a contraction?

Yes. Two words put together to make a single word can also do this. For example: ice-cream. Or ice-cream. These can be compound nouns, as well. For example, “coffee table,” “forest fire.”

What is a plural possessive noun that ends in an apostrophe “s”?

An example would be “children’s clothes.” Without an apostrophe “s” and being a possessive noun would be: kids toys, smiths house (referring to the smith family). Each relate to different things but indicate possession.

What are the seven possessive nouns?

Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs.

What are the three rules of possessive nouns?

Rule 1: To form the possessive of a singular or to add an apostrophe and an s.

Rule 2: For a plural noun, add only an apostrophe (‘)

Rule 3: For a possessive noun that does not end in an “s” letter, add an apostrophe and “s” letter. For examples, “mice’s.”


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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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