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Is it Roll Call or Role Call? (Correct Grammar + Examples)

Is it “role call” or “roll call?” Which is the correct spelling of the phrase that refers to taking penance for people who are in attendance? Homophones are two words that sound alike, although carry different spellings and meanings.

Learn the difference between “roll call” and “role call” in this short American English guide.

Roll call (noun)the process of calling out a list of names to establish who is present.
Role callan incorrect variation to “roll call.”

Is it “roll call” or “role call?”

The correct saying is “roll call.” The reason why “role call” is incorrect is that the word “role” typically refers to something related to a duty. For example, when a person has a job, their job title is considered to be a “role.” This is an essential function that they play inside a company.

While “roll” might sound odd, the idea is that a “roll call” refers to the elder scrolls that would be rolled up. Typically, attendance would get taken on these rolled up pieces of paper.

Sentence examples using “roll call”

Here are sentence examples using the phrase “roll call”:

  • The teacher took a roll call of all the students who were in the classroom.
  • The military chief took roll call early in the morning.
  • We were late for roll call and this was going to hurt our attendance record.

Is it “roll model” or “role model?”

“Role” in this form is the correct word to use. The reason is that we are referring to something with a predetermined essential function. For example, a “role model” is someone who is a recognizable model or good figure.

Difference between “roll” and “role”

The word “roll” refers to something that is continuing. For example, “Can we roll the ball outside?” While “role” is a type of function or duty that’s performed by a person.

In acting, someone who is “playing a role” is a person who is pretending to be a character. Although, one type of character (why the word “role” is correct).

Example sentences using “roll”

Here are example sentence using the word “roll”:

  • The idea is that if you are ever on fire, you should stop and roll on the ground to put out the fire.
  • I want to roll the dice on this idea. I believe in it and we will see how it turns out.

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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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