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Preposition Rules to Know (Grammar, Examples, More)

What are the preposition grammar rules to remember? A noun, pronoun, or phrase can be connected to other words in a sentence by the use of a term called a preposition. Prepositions can also be used to connect phrases.

What do prepositions do?

Prepositions play the role of connecting the subjects, things, times, and places that are mentioned in a phrase.

On, at, to, with, and for are examples of some of the most often-used prepositions. There is a great deal more of them, and some of them could look confusing.

On the other hand, they are a typical component of language, and most of us utilize them in a natural manner without even putting any thought into it.

What are the guidelines for using prepositions in sentences?

Rule 1

It is essential to have an accompanying object when using a preposition.

There is no such thing as a preposition unless it is used in conjunction with a relevant word or pronoun that serves as the preposition’s object.

If there is no object following a preposition, then the phrase in question is an adverb, which by definition never has an object.

Here are some illustrations to assist you to get a better grasp on the concept:

  • Sam is in his computer class.

The word “computer” functions as the object of the preposition “in” in this phrase.

  • James reached the venue before Selena.

In this context, the preposition “before” is being used with Selena as the object.

In this instance, the object of the preposition “after” is meeting.

Rule 2

Be sure to pick the appropriate preposition in every situation.

Prepositions are used to show the location, position, or direction of a noun.

But because the many kinds of prepositions each perform a unique role, check that the preposition being used says exactly what is intended of it.

Here are a few instances:

  • James and Charlie walked in the room.

The preposition “in” indicates the location of anything in this phrase. As James and Charlie entered the room, the door was opened.

  • James and Charlie walked into the room.

The preposition “into” indicates movement or direction in this phrase. James and Charlie are the ones that walked into the room.

Rule 3

Be sure to use the appropriate prepositions and verbs in pairings.

Phrasal verbs, which combine the functions of a verb with a preposition, are often used in written and spoken English.

However, in order for them to make sense, the appropriate preposition must be used in conjunction with the primary verb.

Here are a few instances –

  • James should listen to Charlie.
  • Mary should clean up the room.
  • James will look after his sister.

Rule 4

At the conclusion of the sentences, do not use any prepositions.

When writing in a more informal style, conclude a sentence with a preposition. However, do not follow this when writing in a more official style.

Why? This is due to the fact that prepositions ought to be accompanied by an object at all times.

When a preposition comes at the conclusion of a sentence, the sentence will not have an object to which it refers.

Here are a few instances –

  • The shelf is where James put his Xbox on.
  • James asked if he could turn in his assignment after.

In the majority of situations, the phrase may be rewritten so that it does not finish with a preposition. The meaning can be made more clear by adding an object to the preposition.


  • The shelf is where James put his Xbox.
  • James asked if he could turn in his assignment after his break.

Rule 5

After prepositions, always use object pronouns.

Avoid using a noun more than once in a phrase by using pronouns. However, when subject pronouns are used after a preposition, the grammatical structure of these sentences is flawed.

Incorrect sentences:

  • The matter is between Charles and I.
  • Did Selena talk to they?
  • James hosted the event with who?

When something is acting as the object of a preposition, use object pronouns to refer to it.

Correct sentences:

  • The matter is between Charles and me.
  • Did Selena talk to them?
  • James hosted the event with whom?


1. What exactly are these “prepositions“?

A noun, pronoun, or phrase containing a noun can be preceded by a preposition. It can be a single word or a combination of words, to indicate a direction, time, place, location, or spatial connections, or to introduce an object.

2. What are some prepositions that are used the most frequently?

Between, in, at, on, after, before, to, and of are the prepositions that are used the most frequently.


  1. Prepositions
  2. Preposition
  3. What Are Prepositions? (with Examples)
  4. 6 Rules for Prepositions: Using Them Correctly
  5. How to Use Prepositions Correctly?

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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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