The two terms crank call and prank call might not sound very similar, but these phrases can be used synonymously too. However, we can point out some differences between these two phrases. So, let’s check out the differences between them. The first one is the most obvious, the first character “c” and “p” when they are used in similar sentences.
What is a crank call?
A crank call refers to a call that is meant to annoy and irritate someone without disclosing their identity. As we have stated above, it sounds like a prank call, but there’s a significant difference. A crank call is done to disturb someone over the phone to such an extent that the other person over the phone gets harassed.
What is a prank call?
A prank call is fake phone calls done to have fun or prank someone. Most people make fun of and for the sake of enjoyment. The caller remains anonymous. Friends often prank call each other to enjoy and have fun. People make these calls while being immature.
Similarities between prank and crank calls
Well, there are many similarities between a prank call and a crank call. Often these two terms are used as synonyms. Let us discover a few similarities between the two terms:
- In both calls, the caller is anonymous. People who make these prank calls or crank calls do not disclose their identity and do not even make these calls from their main sims. Most of the time, these calls are to disturb or prank someone, so if their identity gets disclosed, they would not be able to prank the other person.
- Both these calls are made to get a reaction from a person or the target. They would annoy and push the target to such an extent that the target would react inappropriately, and this would be a source of enjoyment for them.
- After a point, most people or the target person who is called disconnect it because they feel annoyed. Or, if the caller is satisfied, they do it themselves.
Differences between prank and crank calls
Though both prank and crank calls might sound extremely similar, we can point down some differences between them.
- The caller doesn’t need to be anonymous to make a prank call. One can even make a prank call to their friends or anyone in their contact list and just randomly create a fake situation to prank their friends. But in case of a crank call, the caller needs to hide their identity to harass the target.
- Mostly prank callers want to have fun and make prank calls just to have an entertaining conversation over the call. But crank callers do not have the same intention. They are mean and have malicious intent, and they make crank calls just to trouble the target. On the other hand, prank calls are hilarious.
Examples of sentences of prank and crank calls
Prank calls:
- We had fun when we pranked call our friends last night.
- It was an entertaining prank call between the watchman and the landlord.
Crank call:
- Rahul got worried after receiving that crank call.
- Seema received so many crank calls within a week that she reported them to the police.
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