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Comradery or Camaraderie (Definition, Differences, Examples)

What does comradery mean? And what does camaraderie mean? What are the differences between these two words? They are pronounced almost identical. Although, hold two entirely different meanings.

Learn the difference between these two words in this short grammar worksheet…

What does “comradery” mean?

The term comradery refers to the warmth of feelings in a friendship. It is the mutual loyalty and closeness shared among a group of people or team. The phrase is relatively new and was first coined in 1840. It was derived from the French word “camaraderie” which suggests a cheerful feeling between comrades. 

Comradery is the feeling of friendship loyalty and closeness between a team of individuals. According to experts, it is a nativization of camaraderie. The word has been derived from comradery. It is a part of the North American iteration of the word camaraderie. An important aspect of the word is that both the spelling and pronunciation drop from the original word camaraderie. 

Camaraderie example
Camaraderie example

Difference between comradery and camaraderie

Most words in the English language are heavily influenced by other languages. It is observed that numerous English words have their origins in French, Spanish, or Italian. Camaraderie is one such word that has its origin in the French language. However, the word has become a part of English since the middle of the 19th century.

Comradery is another iteration of the same word. Many people are confused between the two but the answer is very clear. The following section will provide a complete comparison between the two. It will help get a clear idea about proper spelling and use of the words. 

Camaraderie is a noun that refers to friendship or brotherhood. It essentially defines United by a common cause which is figurative or literal. It is a derivative of the French word “camarade”. On the other hand, comradery is a North American iteration of the same word. It can be seen in some dictionaries but others considered it a spelling mistake.

Camaraderie example
Camaraderie example

There is no definite reason behind using any spelling other than camaraderie. Most readers are likely to consider it a spelling error. However one can consider the French variant as the correct spelling. 

Comradery and camaraderie are nothing but different spellings of the same word.

If a reader knows the root word camarade they can easily differentiate between the two. 

Which is the correct spelling?

When describing a relationship between two people one might think of the right spelling for a word to describe them. Most students are confused between comradery and camaraderie.

So it is important to have a clear idea of the difference between the two. In any type of writing use of appropriate terminology is crucial. If there are spelling mistakes in the work it can affect the overall value of the peace.

The spelling of camaraderie is most widely used and accepted in the English language. On the other hand, it is regarded as an alternative spelling for camaraderie. The word is mostly seen in North American dictionaries.

Camaraderie example
Camaraderie example

Both words have the same meaning so any spelling can get used in writing. However, comradery is mostly the better option to choose.

Clarity is an important aspect of good quality writing. So it is best to avoid using terminology that can create confusion among the readers.

How to pronounce both words

Camaraderie and comradery have completely different spellings but they sound pretty much similar. Also, these words are often considered homophones.

Assuming that there is only one right or exclusive way of spelling words in the English language is wrong. There is no single authority in the English language or spelling.

Just as in any other language the words can change and evolve with time.

Camaraderie example
Camaraderie example

When to use comradery

The word defines the spirit of friendship and community feeling among a group of people. It is mostly seen among the members of a team with the same objectives.

One of the prime examples is members of a winning team giving high-fives to one another.

On the other hand, it might be observed that the other team might have to console one another. This is also a prominent example of comradery. 


  • The feeling of loyalty and camaraderie of the army during a war.
  • Players must understand the need to field together for great camaraderie.
  • There is a camaraderie among small groups of villagers.
  • The girl enjoyed the camaraderie of women on a night out.
  • The coach appreciated camaraderie among g team members.

When to use camaraderie

As is explained before camaraderie defines a feeling of positivity and unity. Following are some examples that will help in understanding the use of the word in a sentence.


  • With the work-from-home culture, many teams miss the camaraderie at the office.
  • Soldiers serving together have a close bonding based on camaraderie.
  • New-age politicians always encourage camaraderie among the staff member.
  • Healthy sportsman spirit always includes integrity, respect, and camaraderie among staff members. 
  • Organizations can improve their productivity with the camaraderie of the employees.
  • The musicians shared great camaraderie that is evident the moment they stepped on stage.

What does “team comradery” mean?

Comradery is used to define the spirit of community and friendship between two and a group of people. It is a feeling that is mostly seen among members of a winning team.

Success is likely to create a strong bond among the members of a team in various environments. On the other hand, defeated teams have their comradery ritual.

In place of celebrating they console one another and appreciate their efforts. The word is most commonly used for a group of soldiers and sports teams. 


  • Soldiers fighting against a common enemy share a strong comradery.
  • A feeling of comradery helps keep workers in common terms in difficult situations.

Political reference to “comradery”

In politics, the term “comradery” is used to signify the common aspirations of the team members. Just as in English, it refers to an attitude of joint struggle. It is employed to create a shared identity in a different context. The struggles of a political party. The term refers to the official members of a party working towards a common goal.


Even today comradery continues to resurface and various publications. With time the word has gained more value in various contexts. There are numerous examples in various corners of the world where the term “comradery” has been used as an instrument for uniting people.

Chinese Communist Party uses it to refer to those party members as one. There is no discrimination in terms of official rank. Everyone addresses each other as comrades.

Over the years it has evolved as a form of address in a political environment. On the other hand, the alliance of the Sina Russian reproachment is also a prominent example of comradery. 

How to use comradery in a sentence

Comradery refers to a feeling of goodwill, friendliness, and familiarity in a group. For a better understanding when can refer to examples of comradery in a sentence. 

  • When players participate for the Love of the game and comradery with fellow team members. 
  • The organization arranged an award ceremony recognizing the contribution and deep comradery of employees. 
  • The feeling of respect and value together with comradery encourage people to work together. 
  • Black women share a strong comradery among them.

Synonyms for comradery

Comradery defines a feeling of friendship and closeness between two companions. Following are some of the common synonyms for comradery:

  • Community
  • Fellowship
  • Brotherhood 
  • Camaraderie
  • Companionship
  • Company

Antonyms for comradery

Comradery stands for the bonding between two persons or a team. Below are some of the antonyms of the term:

  • Aloofness
  • Hatred
  • Hostility
  • Incompatibility
  • Coldness

Comradery vs. morale

Another word mostly used for defining groups, teams, and the army is morale. It is a general emotion or mental state of the group members. Low morale is an indication of members with low spirits.

They are likely to feel depressed, discouraged, or sad. High morale defines individuals are happy and feeling good. If a member is absent from the team the morale is likely to be low. For example, in a sports team, there is a strong sense of comradery.


Morale is highest when celebrating a win.

However, a defeat can also bring the members together. Lower morale for more comraderie.

Groups of individuals that spend a lot of time together usually have common goals and develop comradery. 

What does morale mean?

A moral is defined as the feeling of confidence experienced by a group of individuals when facing a difficult or dangerous situation.

Sometimes it is regarded as the satisfaction between groups of people working together.

Organizations always focus on promoting good morale so that staff members experience a good work environment.

Overall key differences

Camaraderie is closely associated with moral. It is a general emotion and mental state of people working together. High morale suggests that an individual is feeling well and happy.

It is a common practice of improving the overall efficiency of an organization. It helps a team to be more productive and perform better. Studies have found that camaraderie is mostly associated with the well-being of teams. It makes a positive impact on the minds of employees. 

Camaraderie in a workplace is considered to be very powerful for any type of organization. It promotes healthy conversation and the development of innovative discussions. When team members are energized and satisfied they will provide better results and put discretionary efforts towards a common objective.

The absence of camaraderie will result in low morale. It indicates individuals in the team with low spirits. It is likely to have a severe impact on the workability of a team.

Synonyms for camaraderie

Camaraderie refers to the feeling of friendship between two companions. Some of the common synonyms for the term include 

  • Closeness
  • Togetherness
  • Companionship 
  • Friendship

Antonyms for camaraderie

Camaraderie defines the bonding of people working as a team. Below are some of the antonyms of the term. 

  • Dislike
  • Hate 
  • Bad blood
  • Dislike



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About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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